Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Crocheting factory

September Journaling

1.     Church. So encouraging to see so many new families out.

2.     Attempted to host friends for dinner for the holiday. Could barely manage. We have food for the week at least, but my guests washed the dishes. I would have never allowed that if I was healthy but I was too weak to protest. Got an order for a large maple leaf wreath like the smaller one I made.

3.     My mom got a holter monitor on today for 48 hours. I got a call from my hormone doctor (not the endocrinologist, yet), and she theorized that my problem may stem from a drug interaction, so we stopped two and increased the thyroid medicine. It makes sense based on when I started one of the meds to when my symptoms began. I hope that’s what it is. Less ominous. Prayer meeting. Crocheted more mushie pops and a mallard duck.

4.     I sent an update to my family doctor. Working on a peacock, but not loving the pattern. Quiet day at home. Even just doing laundry is exhausting. At least we have meals for the week.

5.     First day of school for our youngest grandchild. Junior kindergarten.

6.     My husband is going to the men’s retreat for the weekend. Our daughter and her fiancĂ© and their dog are coming for the weekend.

7.     Home day; still lack energy to do much of anything.

8.     Crocheted six keychain sized axolotls, a pink pumpkin and scrunchies.

9.     Crocheted two zucchinis and an eggplant. Made a clownfish and bumblebee hat.

10. Housekeeper came today. She is awesome.

11. Anniversary of 9-11. Went to my chiropractor. Sold another $35 worth of toys indirectly at my hairdresser, more money for Uganda.

12. Resumed my Bible study. It went well. Exodus 32, the golden calf incident. My husband got called in for a water main break emergency and worked all night, 12 hours of overtime, he was awake 26 hours.

13. Our daughter and fiancé and dog arrived for the weekend.

14. Wedding shower for our daughter. It was held at a brewery in Hamilton.

15. Church, then a newcomer’s luncheon. There were thirty people there. We are growing.

16. Working on my lesson for this week. Online debrief meeting about this year’s VBS. Going to dinner at a friend’s place and my husband has a meeting there.

17. Pain clinic for back injections. Finally got an appointment with the endocrinologist for consult. October 3rd.

18. Worked on my podcast; I’m at Joshua 21. Cooked a bit. Telephone appointment with my family doctor. Prayer meeting.

19. Bible study.

20. Dentist appointment.

21. Went to have lunch with our friends from our old church. Some people are just so easy to get along with; we just picked up where we left off. I gave her a gift of three pumpkins and a penguin rear view mirror hanger which she loved.

22. Church; our former pastor preached in the morning, and my husband preached in the evening. Made a few more pumpkins and mushrooms, penguins and an owl.

23. Working on my podcast and lesson. Made micro pumpkin keychains and rear view mirror hangers. Finished my lesson for the week.

24. Made two penguins as rear view mirror hangers. Working on a big flamingo and a small chicken.

25. So behind because of my brain fog. I can only post one podcast episode per month these days. Recorded Joshua 21 today.

26. Taught my class this morning, then bought my shoes for the wedding. Making mashed potatoes for tomorrow. My mom had chest pain yesterday so I called to move her cardiology appointment up.

27. Went with my mom to spend the day with the grandkids because they have a PA day. Took them to Dollarama for crafts and toys and treats. I also let them choose new backpack buddy keychains. They chose a sloth, a water drop, and an angry coffee cup.

28. Buying my husband’s suit for the wedding.

29. Church.

30. Made a giant toad, a wine carrier, and a candy corn rear view mirror hanger and candy corn keychain. I crocheted 62 items this month, that's two per day. Only one appointment this week; the endocrinologist I’ve been waiting to see, that will be on Thursday. Otherwise, catching up.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Thyroid Crash

 August Journaling

1.     I sold $45 in stuffies to the kids at the camp, plus $50 from selling indirectly at the hair salon, so $100 more for Uganda. I’ve made a grinch, a leggy froggy, a pumpkin, a hippo, a cat, and two mushie pops. I also worked on my lemon peel grey sweater. My cousin Sari and her husband Harry came to visit and have dinner with us and they brought gifts for the kids including a Twister game. She also brought wine, more sausages, and everything needed for potato sandwiches. Gave them one of the fish.

2.     Final full day at camp. They hiked over to see a popular waterfall. Packing up then heading over to Desbarats (Debra) Lake to visit with family and friends. They took the pontoon boat over to a giant tarzan swing that the kids loved. I also sold another $40 in toys.

3.     Travel day; stopped at Sudbury again for corn and a larger package of blueberries. Made another pumpkin and leggy froggy on the way home.

4.     Church. Went to J and E’s for dinner again with other families. They are so hospitable. Made nine mushie pops.

5.     Civic holiday. Crocheted a letter D and a grinch legs and feet scarf. Repackaged and froze the sausages and blueberries.

6.     Started a Squid fidget toy. Botox.

7.     I’m still so tired for some reason. I spoke to my doctor today and she ordered bloodwork and an ultrasound. Got our alarm system updated with a proper camera. Eating the delicious fish my husband caught. Edited some testimonies for two new members. Prayer meeting. Met with the new members.

8.     Drove to H-town to visit a friend in hospital who had a stroke, then attended our youngest granddaughter’s daycare graduation. So cute to see her in her little graduation gown. Then my cousin brought my mom back from her two week visit to my aunt in London while we were away, and then we drove home. I made a pumpkin while I was a passenger princess. Watching the Olympics.

9.     Drove up to Muskoka area to visit my husband’s brother and his wife. We brought sausages. Made ten maple leaves for a garland on the way. Our daughter and future son-in-law and dog came for the weekend to finalize some wedding plans and do some social things like a baseball game and Shrek the Musical with the bridesmaids.

10. Baked cherry mini cupcakes for church tomorrow. We have a service, communion, two baptisms and two new member testimonies, followed by a luncheon to celebrate.

11. Long morning at church, but it’s been really encouraging to see what’s been happening since our recent trouble. New young families attending too.

12. The Olympics are over.

13. Pain clinic. My Botox last week at the other pain clinic has already stopped working because he didn’t put it in the right spot, so it will be a long three months. Isn’t the point of paying $200 the fact that I’d get relief where I needed it? Frustrating.

14. Chiro, prayer meeting. Made more maple leaves, a corn on the cob, a carrot and a large gold pumpkin.

15. Still recovering from last month. I went for an ultrasound and bloodwork. Our other daughter’s family came to stay for the night.

16. Watching the kids in the morning so the parents can get some work done. They’re on the way to a friend’s farm for the weekend.

17. Learned how to make wind spinners so I made four along with tassels for them.

18. Woke up to find our upright deep freezer door open, and everything thawed but still cold, so after church we had to cook all the meat and throw out mostly everything else, but we’ve got food prepared for a month. Taking my mom for an MRI.

19. Got called to speak to my doctor about my test results, so I looked them up online. My pelvic ultrasound is fine, but my bloodwork is crazy abnormal, especially my thyroid function. Nine results were abnormal, most significantly my TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone. It measures how hard my thyroid is working to make the thyroid hormone. Normal is .35-5.0, mine is 76.8! It’s like a hamster wheel, nothing is accomplished despite the effort. What should be produced is T4, or the free circulating thyroid hormone which controls energy, metabolism, and heart and liver function. Normal T4 is 11-23, mine is <1. My doctor said she didn’t know how I was functioning without a thyroid. I have extreme exhaustion, I can hardly wake up from my nap, then I’m groggy all evening. I have brain fog, visual disturbances, heart palpitations, muscle cramps, hoarse voice, no appetite, low metabolism, which is why I keep gaining weight no matter what I do. Yet she didn’t order any thyroid medicine. She did give me an urgent referral to an endocrinologist and a thyroid ultrasound requisition, so I did it today. An annoying thing she said, I guess to ‘comfort’ me was, “This is not in your head, this is real.” First of all, I never thought it was in my head. I live at 25% energy level every day, and have for ten years, so when I say it’s worse, it’s worse. Secondly, that implied that it was real since there was a blood test for it, unlike my ME and fibromyalgia, which she probably thinks are in my head. Gaslighting me even though she has known me for 25 years.

20. Trying not to feel too anxious as I wait for results. Crocheted a penguin and a lime green snake, and a plant pot holder using $2 t-shirt material I got at Dollarama.

21. Beginning a basket out of the t-shirt material. Prayer meeting.

22. Ultrasound report came in and I opened it nervously. Good news and more questions. No nodules on thyroid or parotid glands, so no thyroid cancer causing my non-functioning thyroid symptoms. Yet we still need to know the cause. Also the lymph node in the right side of my neck is enlarged. We need to find out why.

23. House guests from New York City for the weekend to help out friends from church whose mom died.

24. Attended the funeral today. She was a believer.

25. Church. Nap. Made a gold coloured chicken and an apricot pumpkin and more maple leaves for garland. My doctor started me on thyroid medicine. I also started calcium gummies because of my palpitations and leg cramps.

26. Our guests left today. They bought a big mushie boy. Our youngest is 32 today. She is getting married next month.

27. One appointment today. Beautiful weather to finish up the summer.

28. Eye appointment today, my vision is suddenly worse. No problems, but I ordered new glasses anyway; my prescription changed a bit. Crocheted some larger mushrooms.

29. Crocheted a cream coloured pumpkin, an orange snake, and a light blue pumpkin.

30. Siesta, then fiesta. Words to live by, except by fiesta I mean sitting on the couch crocheting.

31. Made a tear drop key chain and a large blue pumpkin.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Busy month


July Journaling

1.     Happy Canada D-eh! Stayed home, bbq’d and sauna’d. The parcel arrived in Uganda in under two weeks. So nice to see their smiles and receive a thank-you letter from one of the sponsored girls.

2.     Work day; writing and crocheting. Making individual crocheted letters to spell out B-inspired. I have a yellow and black B and a green snake S so far.

3.     Haircut and appointment with my hormone doctor. She keeps adding new pills. Arrgh. Made two snow cones and a brown and green mushie boy plushie.

4.     Going to the doctor with my mom. Ordering a new phone. Going from an 11 to a 15.

5.     Made a penguin, an eggplant, and a mini reversible octo. Working on my first sweater, although its without a pattern and I fear two things; I’ll run out of the yarn and the size will be off and I’ll end up frogging (undoing) my hard work.

6.     Made a big purple axolotl, but not pleased with the result. Canada is in the Copa America soccer tournament.

7.     Church and the final meeting before VBS. Picking up the grandkids for their week with us.

8.     First day of VBS, slept poorly last night. Snacks went well; dirt cups and green fruit and juice. Creation theme. Swimming all afternoon at J and E’s. The kids were exhausted, as were we. My husband was Dr. Noah Tall and he did a simple circuit, first showing all the parts necessary but when he shook it up it didn’t assemble itself into something that worked, it took intelligence and design, like creation.

9.     Second day, much smoother, slept well. Theme chaos and catastrophe. Snacks were snakes made of mini powdered donuts and grapes. Dr. Noah Tall did a volcano to show catastrophe. Then swimming and bbq dinner at J and E’s to thank the worship team.

10. Third day, theme confusion (tower of Babel), so the snack was mixed up trail mix and shades of pudding parfait. No experiment today.

11. Fourth day, theme Christ and the cross, so the snack today was a brownie with white icing and a red cross, and white yogurt with strawberries. Dr. Noah Tall lit some flash paper and he used a whole sheet so it was quite a flame. But it represented Christ’s complete sacrifice because there weren’t even any ashes.

12. Fifth day, theme consummation, so the snack was a butterfly bag of goldfish crackers and babybel cheese to represent our change and lemon bites and lemonade to represent the golden streets of heaven. Then a hot dog bbq for lunch. Sooooo exchausted, the kids are gone back home, now the clean up begins, tomorrow.

13. Such a busy day, beginning to prepare for our out of country guests; we bought new sheets and pillows and are assembling a bed in the other guest room. Also doing lots of laundry and cleaning up.

14. Church, there was a video recap of VBS. So much work but so much fun for the kids. Still exhausted. Trying to tidy up. Assassination attempt on Trump in the news.

15. Running errands.

16. Housekeeper coming. Perfect timing; after the grandkids and before the out-of-country guests.

17. Grocery shopping for our guests. Rooms are ready, but I’m still so exhausted.

18. Made some homemade salsa and prepared some bacon for breakfast.

19. Final physio appointment. Met most of my goals; they’ve been very helpful.

20. Our guests are easy, which is helpful since I’m still so exhausted. They spend a lot of time at J and E’s since the sisters haven’t all been together for years.

21. Church, then lunch with the missionaries who are staying with us; they gave an update.

22. Crocheting many birds.

23. Crocheted 10 mushie pops.

24. I gave some free plushies to the kids; they were thrilled. They are heading back to the U.S. They left us a giant gift bag of thank you gifts; Kentucky bourbon, yarn, lotion, and tea. So generous.

25. I ordered a new iphone which arrived today. I drove my mom out to Hamilton and my daughter took her the rest of the way to London. Packing for our cottage trip up north for a week.

26. It’s our 38th wedding anniversary. Life is going by so quickly.

27. Off to Thessalon. Long drive but I’m a passenger princess so I’ll be crocheting. Picked up some blueberries and corn in Sudbury. We are in two cabins so each of the grandkids will take turns staying over with us, otherwise they’d have to sleep three to a bed.

28. Power outage for part of the day but we managed. Made the mistake of driving into town to try to get groceries; it was closed. Went sauna and swimming and ate karjalanpaistia that my mom made and mashed potatoes that I premade. Bought some local artwork from the campstore.

29. We drove into the Soo and went to my dad’s gravesite which is terribly overgrown. We need to pay someone to clean it up and maintain it. A Finnish woman was there who worked with my mom and knew our story. Then we went to Station Mall for lunch and shopping and then grocery shopping at Pino’s where we stocked up on their sausages. Had some with corn on the cob and salad for dinner back at camp.

30. Our friend Harry flew into our lake with his plane and took my husband fishing on an inland remote lake. From the air they saw a forest fire beginning so they called in the location. They caught seven speckled trout between them, all over four pounds. We gave one to the couple that owns the camp. He stayed overnight even though that’s not usually allowed, the fish helped.

31. Before he left the kids sat in the plane for a photo op and then other kids from the camp did the same and then they watched him take off. Campfire.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


June Journaling

1.     Crocheted three different sized pumpkins, a corn on the cob, a rainbow caterpillar, a Jamaican flag coloured mushie pop, a beige chicken, and two turtles.

2.     Church. Our pastor is on vacation and our former pastor filled in, and then one of our men in the evening. Friends dropped in about staining our deck. We may join forces to make a website for our products. He has an unused website called B-inspired. I have a crocheted bee that we can use in the logo.

3.     Made a trio of blue pumpkins as a gift for my aunt and an eggplant. Almost finished my safe food handling course. Tacos for dinner.

4.     Made two more bees and a beige small pumpkin, a trinket dish, an orange and black striped snake, and a taco keychain. Spaghetti carbonara and salad for dinner.

5.     Finished the learning portion of my course. Got 100% on the practice test. Did the final test and passed with 92%. Prayer meeting, studying the Sermon on the Mount with Sinclair Ferguson. My husband led it since our Pastor was on vacation.

6.     Going to Hamilton overnight to babysit while our daughter graduates from U of T with her Masters in Social Work. Her GPA was 3.96 out of 4.00 but she was disappointed that her diploma didn’t mention honours or with distinction. Special mention about her husband for his supportive role over the past year. He’s a good husband and dad and I told him so. Made a green mamba snake and three stress balls for the kids because they asked.

7.     Returned home. Made a baby yoda. My husband is going to speak at the youth meeting at church. Made a large silly goose.

8.     Preparing for our guests tomorrow. Just burgers, hot dogs, tater tots, and corn on the cob, and banana cream pie for dessert.

9.     Our guests bought some snakes, mushie pops, and an emotional support pickle.

10. I made a chocolate chip cookie keychain, rainbow mushie pops, a carrot, and my first teddy bear. Chiro today.

11. Working on my podcast, I’m at Joshua 17. I made a small cat, a mini chicken keychain, and a gold pumpkin. Started a hot pink and white bag. Ordered more white yarn so I can make more silly geese.

12. Physio.

13. Made another silly goose, this one is for our daughter. Prayer meeting. A muslim man came in; he is searching spiritually.

14. Sending a parcel to Uganda for the 17th birthday of one of the children we support. Our nephew is graduating today from a college program in publishing. I made a pink and white bag. I think I’m going to add a liner. Started another shawl, and started three peas in a pod; I’m thinking this one is for me, since I have three grandkids.

15.  A plan to protect meeting in preparation for the VBS next month, then dinner and cards at J & E’s. Brought my husband’s birthday cake to share so the two of us don’t eat it all. Finished another silly goose, for sale.

16. Church, then dinner and cards at J & E’s again. No evening service. Made a light green and dark green leggy froggy.

17. My husband’s 61st birthday. When did we become seniors? Made a strawberry keychain and started another three peas in a pod, to sell.

18. Dental appointment for cleaning. Housekeeper here today. At night my mom had some chest tightness.

19. Proofreading a cover letter for our lawyer daughter who is applying for an overseas job.

20. I finished the extra three peas in a pod for sale, $25 for the amount of work and materials. Also a small heart, but it’s too big for a keychain. When I found the pattern I thought it was for a bigger pillow size until I started making it.

21. They attempted to deliver and install a new water heater but my mom’s stairlift is in the way so we have to arrange a new delivery date and temporary removal of the lift. I finished the shawl with pockets.

22. Watching both Euro cup soccer and Copa America because Canada and Jamaica are in it. Our deck was sanded today in preparation for re-staining since it seems to have to be done every year. Went to J & E’s for dinner and cards. Their niece chose two purple sea turtles which I just made yesterday and she loves them and now wants babies for them. For dinner we had ground pork burgers wrapped in bacon and sandwiched between waffles. Surprisingly delicious.

23. Church. So encouraging lately after all those troubles. So many visitors and recurring visitors. Made a mini sloth keychain.

24. Working on podcast, Joshua chapter 18. Slow going; I’m in summer mode. And I procrasti-crochet. I made a big bunny snuggler which I’m going to donate to the silent auction for Golf for Missions in July. Also going to make two more turtles in neutral colours. Together they should get $100.

25. I’m making two baby turtles as babies for the girl who bought two big purple turtles. They will be a gift. The grandkids are coming over today for three nights; we’re helping out the parents so they can work, school is out. Also, pain clinic this morning and grocery shopping.

26. Made a big beige turtle and a purple and variegated large turtle. Sauna with the kids.

27. Made a clownfish and minion. The kids do lots of crafts while here. Baked a banana cake with them. The kids bought more stuffies with their piggy bank money.

28. Finishing up chapter 18 of Joshua for the podcast. Made a rainbow chicken.

29. Our deck was re-sanded and re-stained. Baking for tomorrow, I’m on after church coffee. Made strawberry cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies.

30. Made a mushie boy, pattern by www.thefriendlyredfox.com So cute. Started a crocheted top/cardigan for myself in grey velvet yarn. Not sure yet what it will be.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Curacao trip


May Journaling

1.     Got highlights in my hair, trying to look younger still. My hairdresser bought a baby seal toy from me, and offered to let me bring in a small basket of items for sale, for Uganda.

2.     Bible study. Crocheted a baby yoda, a cactus pin cushion, a white chick, a watermelon keychain, and working on a crochet bag for myself.

3.     Went to a special physiotherapist today for an assessment. Filled out travel documents for Curacao and started our packing.

4.     Laundry, prepping for my class, and crocheting. Made a rainbow (real rainbow) chicken for my grandniece, as well as a baby seal, a mini mushie pop and a leggy froggy backpack buddy for her. They live in B.C.

5.     Church. My husband preached in the evening. A lady from Nigeria and her three children showed up on the doorstep; we got them dinner, found a place for them for the night, and permanent housing beginning the next day, but she is not likely to be able to stay in Canada. She came to visit, overstayed her welcome, and thinks she can just work without a permit. Not likely.

6.     Picked up my blister pack of meds for our trip, and got my eyebrows waxed. Made a rainbow caterpillar; I’ll post a picture. I also made two rainbow mushie pops, a leggy froggy keychain, and a frog purse.

7.     Finishing up packing.

8.     Botox.

9.     Chiro and massage.

10. Heading to Curacao for a week. Staying at Dreams Resort.

11. Going for Indonesian food with John’s relatives.

12. Swam with sea turtles. Saw flamingos in the wild. Had a special birthday dinner in a private room, courtesy of our travel buddies. They are so thoughtful.

13. Stayed on the resort, ate at the seafood restaurant for dinner.

14. Walked on the ocean floor with a special helmet for 45 minutes; fed fish, held a sea urchin. My legs were so white it looked like I had white pants on in the video. We couldn’t stop laughing. Took pictures in town and went shopping.

15. The beach at the resort is very nice. They showed us the new concept pods they are building; first in the world. Went out for dinner with John’s family again, for pasta. I gave his aunt a copy of my book.

16. Played cards together most evenings. Went back into town for Punda Vibes with John’s cousin, the live music and open stores every Thursday. Crossed the Queen Emma bridge and had to take the free ferry back over because it swung open for a ship to pass.

17. Last morning swim, then the flight home.

18. Laundry; exhausted from travel.

19. Church, then helping to host a missionary family for lunch.

20. Our third grandchild is having a birthday party for her fourth birthday. Beautiful day to be outside. Our friend’s sister and her family arrived in Canada from Venezuela as permanent residents. They already have work.

21. Pain clinic, without my mom.

22. Physio. Prayer meeting.

23. Final Bible study until September. Had CAA change my battery in my car for the long trip this weekend. Finishing up some more amigurumi projects.

24. An eye appointment with my mom to check if her cataracts are any worse, or need surgery. She doesn’t. Going to host the speaker of the women’s retreat this weekend. Making salmon wellington and asparagus. Packing.

25. Driving to Elim Lodge. I will be bringing my amigurumi toys.

26. Returned from the retreat. Left a favourite cardigan behind. Sold $200 in products.

27. Writing and crocheting. Made a few more rainbow mushie pops which are popular, and a garland of fall coloured maple leaves for my mantle.

28. Made a walrus, a cat, a leggy froggy keychain, and a colourful water bottle carrier. Shopping with my mom. Dropping off more amigurumi at the hairdressers. Prayer meeting.

29. Started the online safe food handling course since I am in charge of snacks for the VBS this year.

30. Worked on the course for another hour. Ran some errands for my mom. Sent $350 to Uganda from craft sales.

31. Continuing the food handling course. Crocheted some pumpkings and a corn on the cob.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

My 60th!


April Journaling

1.     It’s our daughter’s final day of school. She was working on her Masters’ degree in Social Work at U of T. Now she’s done and will be rehired at her current work place as a therapist.

2.     My mom is going to get a 24 hour blood pressure monitor put on. It’s all over the map each day. Our daughter and her fiancĂ© are coming by on their way to Ottawa. He is moving here from Colorado. Also meeting his dog, Aldo today.

3.     Chiro and massage. I can’t believe I let the dog on the couch and a bed; we never did that with our dog, but then this one is old and set in his ways.

4.     Finished watching The Ten Commandments movie, then did our course online instead of going downtown. Just one class to go.

5.     Pain clinic. I made a white and purple snail and a giant hippo.

6.     I made keychain coffee cups and a mini octo.  I made a water bottle carrier for my grandson, now two more for the girls.

7.     Church.

8.     My friend had her surgery. It looks like she either doesn’t have cancer or it is only early stage. So thankful.

9.     Took my mom to her doctor’s appointment. Total solar eclipse today but the sky is overcast so I may not get a chance to use my glasses. Didn’t see it.

10. Made a youtube video of my crocheting for the month of March. I changed the name to MimiMadeThis!

11. Bible study class. Final class on Romans. We arranged pizza, samosas, treats, coffee, tea, and pop. I also gave out copies of my book as a gift.

12. Went to John and Esther’s for dinner to reconnect with missionaries to Zambia who are back home in Canada permanently.

13. Working on my lesson for next week. Pricing my amigurumi for my first official sale next Saturday. All proceeds to heartilysouls.org, orphans in Uganda.

14. Church. One of the men drove a corvette stingray that belongs to his friend.

15. Went to a skin clinic to lift my eyebrows since one has been droopy since the pain clinic doctor did it two months ago. It’s so annoying.

16. Getting new spring/summer tires on.

17. Grandparents’ day at the grandkids’ school. Staying for dinner with my mom. Bringing the kids’ water bottle carriers that I made.

18. Bible study Exodus 23 and 24. My husband is writing his exam this evening.

19. Our grandson came for the weekend, just him, for some special attention because he had a rough week. He and my husband watched the first Star Wars movie.

20. Today, they went to a trout pond with friends and he caught two large rainbow trout. Then they watched the second Star Wars movie. Then they went downtown to watch a TFC soccer game, which they got free tickets to, from a man at church. It was a long, full day. Meanwhile, I went (along with my mom) to Trinity Baptist Church to speak at one of their women’s meetings. It was also lunch and a wedding shower. So I spoke on marriage from Scripture, and then gave some marriage advice. I was also able to sell a few books and toys. I sold $300 in toys, plus $150 elsewhere, and all of the money goes straight to Uganda.

21. We had church this morning where we accepted two new members. Then we had a newcomer’s lunch. And then my husband drove our grandson halfway home where his parents picked him up. I gave them all new toys; a Scottish cow, an elephant, and a turtle.

22. We’ve got to start preparing for our trip. I have to drop off all my pills at one of my pharmacies so they can put them in blister packs and there won’t be any grief at the border. I take too many to bring the original bottles. Also doing laundry and tidying up for spring cleaning tomorrow by our housekeeper and a friend of hers. It’s a big job.

23. Spring cleaning. My mom has a cardiologist appointment today, so I go with her.

24. Prayer meeting. My sister is retiring.

25. Bible study on the furnishings of the tabernacle. There are so many Scarlet Threads in that chapter. I had an appointment with my family doctor today. I need to go to physio for a problem.

26. Bought a few things for our upcoming trip, like water shoes and bathing suits. Paid my taxes.

27. Women’s ministry breakfast. It’s a cultural breakfast, so I’m bringing Finnish pancakes (like crepes). I started a granny triangle grey shawl but I ran out of yarn, so I’ll have to buy another ball of yarn before I can finish it. I have so many wips (works-in-progress).

28. Church. Made an emotional support pickle, which my mom wanted, and two mini stingray keychains, a purple butterfly and a phone/sunglass case.

29. Trying to catch up with my writing but the next crochet project keeps beckoning me. I procrasti-crochet.

30. It’s my sixtieth birthday! My sister retired today.