Friday, October 1, 2021

My mom is saved!


September Journaling

1.    Chiro and massage. Back to in-person prayer meeting.

2.    First trip to Costco in some time. Also got a haircut.

3.    Getting ready to go to London tomorrow. Our daughter is coming here from Ottawa.

4.    Went to London. Great to see family again, especially my cousin with lung cancer who is doing so well; even her voice is back to normal and they told her it wouldn’t do that. Also the kids learned to swim. They were in the pool the whole day. COVID week 76 but no church today since we’re out of town.

5.    Driving back home. I’ll post some pictures.

6.    Our daughter went back to Ottawa. The last day of my husband’s summer vacation. Writing and recording my podcasts; Bible Companion Series by P.H. Thompson. At 187 already; all of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Job, and most of Numbers.

7.    First day of grade one for Benny and JK for Robin. My daughter is so excited to have just one kid at home. Robin is in just three days a week. They’re still in private Christian school. They considered public school but just couldn’t do it. So we’re helping with costs because it matters to us, too. We did the same with our kids. You spend your money on things that matter to you.

8.    Going to Hamilton to help out, also to pick up my mom who is returning from London. She stayed a few extra days. They are bringing her there; Hamilton is the halfway point.

9.     Back to Women’s Bible Study in person and online.

10. Writing day.

11. My husband is at a men’s church retreat. Things are opening up again. Watching 9-11 documentaries.

12. COVID week 77. We had a guest speaker since the Pastor is at the retreat.

13. Voted early in the federal election. We’ll see if it makes a difference or if Trudeau will get back in again. He’s threatened to remove the charitable status of crisis pregnancy centres stating they are giving misleading information. But that is a misrepresentation, as the CCCC makes sure they are a legitimate charity teaching facts. It’s the groups like Planned Parenthood that ignore science, tell the woman their baby is just a clump of cells while they sell off their organs. He claims to be pro-choice but he is taking away the choice for a woman to keep her baby and get the support only provided in those places.

14. My mom was saved today! But so many times when I would bring it up she’d put up a wall or say she’s been thinking about it. Her health isn’t good and I’ve been fearing one day going downstairs and it would be too late. It’s been a burden on my heart for some time. I speak Finnish but I don’t know Bible words so I’ve been looking them up so I’d be able to pray with her in her heart language. Then I’ve been praying for an opportunity and finally on Tuesday morning I showed her Psalm 90:10 in Finnish and we were talking about death and I told her how amazing it is to know your sins are forgiven and you don’t need to fear death. Then I said, “You said you’ve thought about it before. What’s holding you back? Do you feel too good to be saved, or too bad, or you don’t you know what to say?” She said she had a lot of guilt. I told her God already knows but everything can be forgiven.
I even challenged her to try it and see. If God doesn’t forgive her she can dismiss it but He will because He’s real. Then we prayed. Afterwards she asked why God would send His Son to die. I told her John 3:16 because He loved the world and Romans 6:23 it’s a gift. Then I told her I could read the Bible with her daily and explain it and answer any questions. She liked that.
But I still couldn’t believe it was real and thought in the morning she’d say she didn’t mean it. But instead she said she cried every time she thought of it. I said it’s ok to feel things. You don’t have to be a stoic Finn. She told Gary she still had a hard time forgiving herself. It’s amazing that we can pray and still be surprised when God answers prayer. It encourages me to keep praying for others because as long as there’s life there’s hope.

15. I shared about my mom’s conversion with the church at prayer meeting online. Such things are encouragements to everyone with unsaved loved ones.

16. I still can’t believe I’m reading the Bible with my mom at her request. We read John 8 and Luke 15. I never thought this would happen. Such little faith.

17. Our granddaughter started her gymnastics classes. My husband and I started a seminary class on Christian Foundations. I’m auditing it because I took it for credit thirty years ago when I was pregnant with my first daughter. It was very different then, now it’s an intro to systematic theology. My husband is taking it for credit.

18. My grandson (6), lost his first tooth. He has started soccer lessons.

19. COVID week 78. We’re back to in-person evening services after 18 months.

20. Writing day.

21. Pain clinic for back injections.

22. Spending the day in Hamilton with the grandkids; well 2/3 are home today.

23. Our daughter came home from Ottawa because she’s in a wedding.

24. Semi-annual mammogram. Not as painful as usual, mostly because of iodine tablets.

25. Reading and writing; no arithmetic.

26. Dropped our daughter off to catch a train back to Ottawa. COVID week 79. Excellent preaching.

27. Planting some tulip bulbs for spring.

28. Dropping off some diapers for missionaries who just had a new baby.

29. We’ll be hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year; 24 people. Beginning to plan my menu. Went to church in person for prayer meeting.

30. Today is the first official Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which they’ve made into an official holiday. Also going in to teach Bible Study in person.