Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Ugandan orphans


November Journaling

1.    Not going to Hamilton this week. See Oct. 31 for the reason.

2.    Furnace maintenance.

3.    Attending a cardiologist appointment with my mom; we were gone five hours. It’s the seminary open house in the evening, so I sat in on a class on Biblical Theology; I love it and would have taken it except Wednesday nights are prayer meeting night. Long day, no nap.

4.    Bible study in a.m. Course in the evening online.

5.    I have done over 200 podcasts on the Bible Companion Series. But I still haven’t figured out how to make intro and outro music. I’m so not technical. Then I’m also trying to re-record the first 80 or so podcasts since it was before I got my headset microphone so the quality is very poor. Embarrassing.

6.    Quiet weekend after a busy week, and another one to come.

7.    Church Covid week 85.

8.    Preparing a care package for a single female missionary our church supports from the ladies at our church.

9.    I had a zoom meeting with a book club/Bible study group from my sister-in-law’s church in Bracebridge. They are reading my novel, Benaiah Mighty Man of God along with the applicable portions of Scripture. I answered their questions. It was fun. Then our daughter and grandkids came to stay over for two nights. Their school is still closed due to 13 cases of Covid. Hopefully now they will be more diligent with masking and distancing there.

10. We drove to the Big Apple with the grandkids but most things were closed. The kids had a sauna. This was the first time here since the baby started walking. Now she’s trying to climb stairs.

11. Remembrance Day. Also back to our course tonight.

12. Attending an online virtual gala for a pregnancy help centre that our daughter used to work at. Online auction.

13. Going to London for a family Christmas party.

14. My husband lost his wedding ring sometime between last night and this evening. It’s been loose since he lost weight and in September it fell off in the pool in London, but they found it right away. We called the gas station we stopped at to see if maybe it fell off when he washed his hands but no one turned it in. If someone found it, they may have pocketed it to pawn it for $500. It was purchased for $100 35 years ago. It’s mostly the sentimental value. It’s engraved with my name and our wedding date. He’s more upset than I am. He feels he should have had it sized since he knew it was loose. COVID week 86, no church for us.

15. Updated my non-practicing R.N. licence. At least it’s only 1/3 of practicing nurses. I can’t believe I’ve been off work seven years this Christmas.

16. A writing day.

17. Prayer meeting, my husband is the speaker.

18. Women’s Bible Study, through 11/16 chapters of Mark. Our course online in the evening.

19. Ordered in because it’s Friday.

20. Women’s ministry meeting; I shared about Finnish Christmas traditions. I’ll post what I said.

21. Our youngest granddaughter’s dedication service is this morning so we went to their church in Hamilton. Covid week 87.

22. Writing.

23. Going to Hamilton because my daughter is going to a recording studio to sing Finlandia in Finnish as a Christmas gift to my mom. So sweet of her.

24. Making mini meatballs for Italian wedding soup this weekend. Prayer meeting online.

25. Someone at church has Covid so we will meet online this morning. My husband and I went for our first Covid test and were both negative, yay! It was the antigen test so it wasn’t as invasive.

26. Our eldest daughter is 31 today. Hard to believe.

27. My daughter and grandkids, sister and her granddaughter are coming over to bake Finnish gingersnaps today.

28. Covid week 88.

29. Spoke with my mom’s lung doctor on the phone. Will buy an oximeter.

30. Pain clinic for back injections. Today on Giving Tuesday I know there is no shortage of worthwhile ministries to support. However, I have recently discovered an organization in Uganda that cares for destitute orphans. David William, who grew up as an orphan himself, but was cared for and learned to read, has taken it upon himself and a friend to take in 45 orphans. These kids are truly destitute; they have no shelter from the elements, few blankets, little food, and a dirty pond in which they wash and from which they drink. The little I was able to send purchased some food and toothbrushes and toothpaste as they only had sticks to brush their teeth and were getting toothaches. They are not a registered charity yet but they are a recognized non-profit organization by the government of Uganda. If you take a look at their pictures on Instagram @  agape_heartilysouls or their website you can see the sweet faces of these children. They will greet you personally. You can donate directly through their website.