Sunday, December 31, 2017

Year End 2017

December Journaling

1.      My husband and I went out for dinner, but it ended up being over-priced and not too good.

2.      A rare Saturday at home, then our church Christmas gala. A little too long for me.

3.      Church today. Long nap.

4.      School day on my own.

5.      Home day. Worn out from yesterday. Long nap.

6.      Same as yesterday. Today is the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence and also the 100th anniversary of the Halifax explosion.

7.      The anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Hot tub. Hoping I don’t belly flop into it like last time.

8.      Chiropractor then seeing my former co-workers because a nurse I’ve worked with for 10 years is retiring so this is her retirement and their work Christmas party too. I haven’t seen them in three years.

9.      Quiet day at home, laundry and reading, nap and MLS final, which TFC won. We’ve been following them since the beginning and manage one live game per year. Hot tub and take out Thai food.

10.   Church then seeing old friends. He was our best man. They live in the same neighbourhood and yet we only manage to see them once a year.

11.   School day with my mom.

12.   Bible study, injections to my face, and rest for two hours. I had a rare burst of energy, and today was a powdery snowfall of about five cm so I did the driveway for the first time in three years. I paid for it with a crash of pain and exhaustion later in the day.

13.   My sister in law’s birthday. Also, I had an appointment with my doctor to fill out forms for a tax credit. I pay so much out of pocket for my health, mostly for supplements and appointments with naturopaths, and for forms like today, $50. Hopefully I’ll be approved.

14.   Scrambling to finish the summary of Hebrews for Tuesday.

15.   My other pain clinic this morning, then babysitting this evening with my husband.

16.   Laundry. Long nap.

17.   Church, flanking a long nap.

18.   Last school day for a few weeks. We’ve only done 14 school days but my grandson has learned so much.

19.   Summary of Hebrews. They seemed to appreciate it. They paid for my lunch at Panera as a thank you.

20.   A quiet day at home, catching up on my Bible reading, napping, and cooking dinner.

21.   Last bit of shopping, to get ingredients for appetizers.

22.   My daughter bought my husband a TFC MLS Champions baseball cap. He’ll love it.

23.   Prepping some food. I’m making crab stuffed mushroom caps with real crab.

24.   My sister hosted dinner for our Finnish Christmas celebration.

25.   My daughter cooked her first turkey and hosted the family. She did a great job. So nice to see the grandkids two days in a row.

26.   We went to my son-in-law’s parents’ house for dinner. They are Egyptian and they own a restaurant so of course the food was delicious. Tired from all the celebrations though and looking forward to a few quiet days at home.

27.   Resting, catching up with my Bible reading.

28.   This year I read through the Bible chronologically with a guide from Through the Bible. I also read all the notes from my MacArthur study Bible and The Evidence Bible by Ray Comfort. Next year I’ll only read the text. It’ll be faster. I also studied Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Hebrews in depth and wrote summaries of them all. In the New Year, our ladies’ Bible study will begin Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther with Precepts Bible studies.

29.   Another Christmas party this evening. Even with ear plugs, I find it overwhelming to my senses and I am always happy to get home to a quiet house.

30.   I’m thinking of trying out a new treatment/supplement in the new year, called Plexus. It can’t hurt and every little improvement makes life a little less bad.

31.   End of the year. I’m suffering much less than a year ago and definitely much less than three years ago when I stopped working, for which I’m thankful. I’ve been sick for five years now. Life sure has changed.

Sunday, December 3, 2017


November Journaling

1.      Busy week of appointments. My mom came over to bake her famous gingersnaps, but it’s more that she bakes and I watch.

2.      Such a busy morning with appointments, didn’t get back home till 2 p.m. and crashed for an hour and a half before I had to make dinner.

3.      Pain clinic today. Both my facial injections and back injections aren’t holding my pain as well anymore. Sigh. Long nap in the afternoon.

4.      A quiet Saturday. I didn’t go anywhere and I loved it. I had a quiet morning, then had a nap before making tacos for dinner. Then looked over my school plan for Monday.

5.      Church today.

6.      School today. My granddaughter has a fever so she slept more than usual. My daughter took her to the doctor and went to work later and came home earlier. So proud of my grandson who learned the difference between left and right today.

7.      Bible study this morning. Ladies’ planning meeting tonight.

8.      A quiet day.

9.      Massage this morning, then we’re going to a fundraising gala in Hamilton for the Pregnancy Help Centre our daughter works for.

10.   Chiropractor appointment today.

11.   Today is Remembrance Day. I happened to be in Costco buying glasses at the time and they played Taps instead of Last Post, maybe because it’s an American company.

12.   Sunday. It’s International day of the Bible and our Pastor happened to preach on Sola Scriptura. Dropped off a shoe box for Samaritan’s Purse. For a little church, we do pretty well. Had a three hour nap.

13.   School today. Since my daughter was off for the holiday, my mom didn’t come with me. She also got her winter tires on. We did an experiment with capillary action. He seems to like school. I was able to rest more in the afternoon since she was there for the baby.

14.   Bible study, also I dropped off a fellow fibro sufferer at an appointment. Then a long nap.

15.   Had my winter tires put on as well as new wiper blades. Then a long nap.

16.   Home day, catching up on paperwork and rest.

17.   Same as yesterday, also baked for tomorrow morning.

18.   Women’s ministry breakfast. I like doing it but I’m looking forward to the end in sight in May. It’s nice that there are only two year terms. Even with the team helping me, it’s an added burden on me.

19.   Church. He’s going through 1 John in the evening and continuing on the five solas in the morning. He finished the book of Daniel. It was so refreshing to hear a perspective other than pre-millennial dispensationalism.

20.    School today, on my own. For some reason I had a pretty good day. I’ll take it. Could be one of the supplements I started taking again; d-Ribose, which is a sugar known to help with M.E. So proud of my grandson. He learns so fast. He learned his address and is recognizing his upper and lower case letters. He also knows right and left and loves the science experiments we do. He also loves geography.

21.   Bible study. A few more weeks then the summary. In the New Year we’ll start on Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Then a nap and school prep.

22.   Home day. We got our furnace serviced. It snowed a bit today.

23.   Home day, baking cookies. Printed my Christmas letter.

24.   Pain clinic; it helps somewhat for my back pain, but not for my other pain, but hey, every bit of relief helps. Dropping off cookies to WINGS, a pro-life charity we support.

25.   Heading to London to celebrate Christmas with the Finnish side. Staying overnight.

26.   Came home after brunch in London.

27.   School today. My mom was with me. But my science experiment spilled in the bag and I got baby oil on all the papers I was planning to use, so we winged it instead. Extra tired today though.

28.   Bible study and a few errands.

29.   My husband took today off so we were able to get a bit of our Christmas shopping done. They caught some men who had been carjacking people in our neighbourhood and forcing them to drive to bank machines. There have been seven incidents in the past month.

30.   Dental appointment.