1.If you could have a new talent what would it be?
I would like to learn to speak Spanish or
2. A friend is coming over to teach me how to do Power Point, and I
will teach her how to crochet. Why does
it make me feel old?
3. Was today typical? Why/Why not?
No, it wasn’t typical
because I spent most of it at work, trying to get the paperwork filled out for
my disability benefits. Not completed yet and they need to be in by the 15th. I'm worn out.
4. Who do you trust the most?
My husband.
5. What’s your next major deadline? What is it for?
Speaking at the SGF ladies’ retreat the first weekend in May. Please
pray for me. Then May 31st. A guest column for Barnabas magazine. I
don’t have a topic in mind yet.
6. What did you have for breakfast today?
The usual, a fried
egg on toast, yogourt and coffee.
7. When is the last time you danced?
Our daughter’s
wedding in October.
8. How did you add art to your life today?
I created homemade
chicken noodle soup and BLT’s for dinner and I edited my message. I also
crocheted a baby blanket for a friend.
9.Yay! I came up with a topic for Barnabas. I will take a section of
my talk on Self-Control in relation to Thought Life, since it hasn’t been
published. It will be entitled, Is a Mid-Life Crisis Real?
10. Today I am completing the million and one forms for long term
disability as I’m at the three month mark already. Sending them off tomorrow, during the
approaching winter storm, in Spring. L
11. List the people you live with.
Husband, youngest
daughter, mother, and dog, Kody.
12. What is the next major purchase you need to make?
A dishwasher. We can
only run ours at night because it’s as loud as a jet engine and we can’t hear
anything else.
13. What did you forget?
To journal today.
14. What is your favorite TV show?
I’m kind of enjoying
a show on BBC Canada on Thursday nights, called Death in Paradise, set
on a Caribbean island with a transplanted stuffy British detective. It has a
nice feel to it.
15. I have faith that I can complete my messages today. I am also
doing another trial of tapering down the dose of my Lyrica. Today I’ve been off
work three months. Three months! I just want to have my brain back and go back
to work.
16. Who is the last person you kissed?
Silly question. My
17. What did you wear today?
Jeans and a blue and
green floral top.
18. What is testing you?
Trying to taper my
meds. The alternate days with the higher dose I’m so unproductive. It’s
frustrating when I have so much to do before the retreat.
19. What’s the oldest thing you’re wearing today?
My wedding rings. Twenty seven years old.
20. List 5 things you should
have done today.
Balance my
chequebook, clean my bathroom, review my messages, do the Power Point for my
messages, sign up for a writer’s retreat.
21. Where did you spend the most time today?
Home and church. We
had a Providential dinner after church. I brought honey garlic meatballs and
mini banana cupcakes. No evening service tonight.
22. So excited. My childhood friend who painted the picture I posted
earlier has agreed to do an artistic exchange. I will crochet her a colourful
throw blanket and she will paint me a picture. I chose a photograph of my
youngest daughter and me sitting on a dock talking. It looks like we’re having
a heart to heart even though we were just talking about how cold the water was.
23. Were you creative today? How?
Thought up a new
crocheting project; weaving a two colour scarf. Crocheting my current projects,
and finishing the power point for the retreat.
24. So happy to hear from a woman from the first retreat. A few of
them are coming to the next retreat. That’s so nice, and I missed them.
25. The funniest thing you heard today. Tim Hawkins youtube video of
the names for different ways of raising your hands in church.
26. What is the last thing that made you cry?
Les Miserables, the
movie. I was sobbing.
27. Today was tough because my mom called us at 7 a.m. to say she
needed to go to the hospital, so we called 911. Thankfully, after a few tests
they sent her home, apparently her heart is okay.
28. What did you read today?
Define “read”. I used
the audio feature on my Kindle to read a book about Outlining a Novel. I’m
usually what’s called a “pantser” meaning I fly by the seat of my pants and
just write, so plotting is new to me, but even the general outlining is very helpful. I asked a few
questions of my novel and found the main theme, the inciting incident and the darkest moment. I know where I’m going
with it and can choose scenes based on the character arc, or how I want him to
learn and grow. I’m so excited.
29. Where do you want to go next?
I’d like to go to the
Canadian Christian Writer’s Conference in Guelph in June. It’s called Write!
Canada and I’m trying to convince a friend to share a hotel room with me. I
need to sign up by tomorrow if I’m going, to get the discount. It will be my
birthday present.
30. Oh, and by the way, it’s my 49th birthday today. Happy
Birthday to me. It’s easy to remember because it's the last day to get your taxes done.