Friday, July 1, 2016

God is Still on His Throne

June Journaling

1.  I went to see my grandson. He’s 16 months old today. He’s also sick with a fever. We took him to the doctor and he’s got a raging ear infection. He’s so clingy and sleepy when sick. He only wants to be held and carried. Bitter-sweet, because I love to hold him, but hate that he’s sick. Plus it’s hard on my back. After we went to the doctor and pharmacy to pick up the prescription, my car wouldn’t start. Turns out the six year old battery had enough, so we called CAA and they replaced the battery with no charge installation. I see a CAA membership in my future. We used my daughter’s since she was driving my car at the time. She grabbed a cab to get home with the baby.

2. I went to the dentist today to get an x-ray. My white blood cell count is off the charts and I don’t know the source of the infection my body is trying to fight. I don’t have a fever because I take so much Tylenol every day, so it would be masked anyway. My teeth are fine. Now to book an appointment with my family doctor. It could be related to this dry cough I’ve developed.

3. This is the 18th anniversary of my husband’s cancer surgery. So thankful he was able to see his daughters grow up and now see his grandson.

4. Our grandson is coming to church with us today.

5. Our contractor installed backsplash in the laundry room under the new cupboards.

6.  Our church is part of an alliance of churches called the Christian and Missionary Alliance. They just had the Annual General Assembly and they voted to allow women to serve as senior pastors. Very disappointing. Our particular church doesn’t agree that it’s Scriptural to do that. We are complementarian, believing men and women are equal, but have different roles within the church. For now it’s not an issue, but it may be in a few years, at which time we may have to decide whether we’ll break from the association.

7.  We’ve finally finished the two rooms we started to renovate last year. Here are pictures of the completed guest room with the final three pieces of furniture, and the painted laundry room with new cupboards and backsplash.

8.  Visiting my daughter’s family. Always happy to see my grandson even if my body protests for a few days afterwards.

9.  Finally got the lattice replaced on the back fence after two years. Also getting a railing on the front steps. My balance is not good and I’ve almost fallen down those two steps many times.

10. Got the windows replaced in our front doors. It was one of those projects we planned to do when we moved in six years ago. It looks so good.

11. Women’s ministry brunch today. I’m redoing a message from years ago on Random Acts of Kindness and then we’re making Blessing Bags, to hand out to homeless people as we come across them. A good alternative to giving cash.

12.  We were treated to lunch at the Mandarin by a new family at our church. I needed a long nap to recover.

13.  What a country! The Supreme Court of Canada has said bestiality is okay under certain conditions. What? Every day a new law or ruling dragging our country down. How is that in the interest of public good? 

14.  Ordered two new books on Amazon and two on kindle. The two hardcovers are The Evidence Bible and Visual Theology.

15.  Visiting my grandson, daughter and son-in-law for the last time before they head to Finland for ten days. I’m bringing my mother-in-law, too.

16. Heard of a believer who died rather suddenly from a rapidly growing brain tumour. I feel kind of envious that he’s in glory. #longingforheaven

17.  My husband’s 53rd birthday. After having cancer, he’s happy to see every year. He never complains about getting older. It’s a privilege denied to many. I’m so glad to do life with him.

18. How can regular life exhaust me so much? One shower and an appointment and I’m useless the rest of the day. Also saw my family doctor and as usual, she didn’t usually do anything about any of my documented issues, either investigating the cause of the infection or treating it. sigh.

19. It’s Father’s Day. Even without a good role model, he’s been a great example of loving leadership to our daughters.

20.  Saw my pain doctor for multiple injections in my face, scalp, neck and back. It’s distressing at the time, but it controls the pain above my neck for 9 out of ten weeks. If only it would address the rest of my pain. At least this time he didn’t miss and hit my facial nerve.

21. They’re getting ready to renovate our kitchen. I don’t know how I’ll manage emptying cupboards. Maybe my mom will come over to help.

22.  Our family is in Finland, but won’t be seeing my dad’s side of the family in the town I was born in, because it’s too much travel time for Benny. He’s having a hard time adjusting to the time change, plus it’s the midnight sun festival.

23. They’ve started our kitchen renovation. Even though he used low VOC paint and water based solvents, it’s still too much for me. I was hiding in my room but had to leave the house because the smells found me.

24. Lunch at a friend’s place. They had a pool, but I didn’t bring my bathing suit, so I just dangled my feet in the pool. Beautiful day.

25.  Writer’s conference. I could only manage one of three days and was able to get all the classes I wanted. Then dinner at a friend’s place.

26.  Church today, and a luncheon at church. Too busy this week. Feeling overwhelmed. Slept three hours today.

27.  Friends from our old church are coming for dinner today. Maybe I should have planned a few rest days, instead. But it was nice to see them again.

28. Chiropractor appointment, then heading out to see our grandson the first time since their return from Finland. I brought him some bubbles. He loves watching airplanes from the window, especially since he’s been on a plane. He says, “Airplane, up, up, up.”

29. For some reason my neurological symptoms are returning, along with some anxiety. Upset about all the changes going in in our country and the world, but trying to spend a lot of time in the Bible to keep calm and get perspective. God is still on His throne.

30.  Went to IKEA to buy a bookshelf to replace one that is tottering.