Tuesday, December 1, 2020

 November Journaling

1.    Church COVID week 33. Our evening messages are online. ajaxalliance.com

2.    Chiro and school prep.

3.    Picked my mom up for going to Hamilton tomorrow.

4.    School day; only did crafts since my daughter had a few appointments.

5.    Online Women’s Bible study; 12 women, beginning the book of Proverbs.

6.    Pain clinic for back injections.

7.    Our grandkids came for the night.

8.    Church COVID week 34.

9.    Home day, making tiny meatballs for Italian wedding soup. According to the news there have now been 50,900,000 COVID infections and over 1,260,000 deaths worldwide. WOW.

10. A quiet day at home.

11. Remembrance day; my husband took the day off to get his winter tires on; had breakfast out with my husband.

12. Home day.

13. Friday the thirteenth; not the least bit superstitious. Going to the visitation of a gentleman I’ve known for over thirty years; a missionary we support. Now his faith is sight.

14. A nice quiet weekend. The COVID numbers are going up again; about 1400 per day in Ontario. There may be another lockdown coming.

15. Church COVID week 35.

16. Just writing.

17. Doctor’s appointment, by telephone.

18. School day: brought to you by the letter Yy, the number 3, triangles, the colour yellow, poppies, the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, and the sense of hearing/sign language.

19. Bible study online.

20. Writing day. More talk about a vaccine coming soon, but probably not to Canada for awhile, and then the front line workers and most vulnerable people will get it first, as they should. There’s talk of making it mandatory, like some places, but another way they may get the same result is to forbid travel if you’re not vaccinated.

21. Quiet Saturday at home.

22. Church COVID week 36. Then out for lunch with my husband.

23. Pain clinic for my facial injections.

24. I exchanged an instapot that is my Christmas present because I found it for $100 cheaper elsewhere. Worth my time.

25. Doing my Christmas shopping mostly online.

26. Our eldest daughter is 30 today!

27. Our daughter, s-i-l, and grandkids stopped by for lunch on their way out of town to a farm.

28. Another quiet Saturday at home. Started my Christmas decorating slowly. I tried grilled Mediterranean sea bass which my husband made, for the first time. It was the best fish I’ve ever had. It melts in your mouth.

29. Church COVID week 37.

30.  Chiro appointment.