Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Christian Woodstock

Our fifteen year old, went on a trip to the Pennsylvania countryside in June. She was at a four day concert featuring 40 Christian bands and speakers. They camped out on the Agape farm, a place with streets named Straight, Rapture, and the Road to Emmaus. It featured bands like Switchfoot, Newsboys, Toby Mac, Chris Tomlin, Amy Grant, Hawk Nelson, TFK (Thousand Foot Krutch), Barlow Girl, Superchick, Family Force Five, and Jeremy Carmp. She was able to meet Hawk Nelson and TFK. She came home with band t-shirts and CD's.
If you can imagine it, there were 70,000 people there from all over North America. Yes, contemporary Christian music is very popular. One evening, they gave everyone a candle. She said the sight was breathtaking.
A highlight was when the whole audience of 70,000 sang Amazing Grace, by John Newton. Of course they all knew the words to every verse, since they were Church-kids. They sang the last verse a cappella, and she said she felt like she was in Heaven already. I get goose bumps when I hear a crowd of 300 singing together. I can't imagine.
She said the whole trip was life-changing. I was a little hesitant to let her go (since we are rather over-protective), but I'm glad we did.
Our thanks to the brave youth leaders who were willing to take three van loads of teenagers into a foreign country for six days.

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