Thursday, September 17, 2009


Sept. 17, 2009

Outside my window...darkness, except for the city lights. The beautiful skyline facing west toward Mississauga and southwest to Lake Ontario. I'm at work tonite.
I am thinking...that my co-worker, who was struck by a car a year ago, will not likely be returning to work, at least, not here. She's still dealing with the effects.
I am thankful...for a feeling of contentment with my life. My husband wants to move in the Spring. We probably will, but I'd be just as happy to stay.
From the kitchen...baked chicken breasts, green beans, corn on the cob and tomatoes from my daughter's tomato plant.
I am uniform.
I am reading...Enduring Justice by Amy Wallace about the FBI and racially motivated crimes.
I am hoping...that we'll have a favourable response from my daughter's landlord about the newly discovered mold in the house she's living in at university.
I am hearing...a quiet nursing unit, except for the incessant bell ringing as they service 3 of our 4 elevators tonite.
Around the house...My husband is busy at work with the annual M.O.E. inspections, and we have alot happening at church lately, too. My work is threatening to change as well, with rumours that we may lose the surgical component of our unit altogether and have to be open on weekends, too. I'm not happy about either of those things at all, but they're looking at the bottom line, not what's best for patients. Our daughters are hard at work in school again. My youngest just became the co-chair for a business club she's involved with.
One of my favourite things...Lick's Burgers, done at home on the BBQ. That's my "free" meal of the week, tomorrow night.
Some plans for the week...finish my fourth night, bring my daughter to school, buy groceries, bake some cupcakes for the youth group at church tomorrow night, sleep a little bit, send in the numbers for Carey to the camp, attend a first Ladies' meeting at church on Saturday,shop with my daughter in the afternoon, have my mother-in-law over for dinner Saturday night, cook something for our church luncheon on Sunday.

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