Monday, January 31, 2011


Jan. 31, 2011.

Outside my window...dark and very cold. We're supposed to get a foot of snow in the next few days. I hate winter. One day I hope to live in a tropical climate.
I am thinking...on Sunday we had four Pastors from Malawi visiting our church. They ministered in both services and the adult class. They also did a presentation on the work in Malawi. I was shocked to learn the poverty line there is $1.25/day. Between services, we had two of them over to our home for a rest and a snack. We must seem extremely rich by comparison, and I know we are blessed. I know we've been given much, but much will be required. My husband and I talked about what to do with it. We learned a bicycle costs $125 and is a sole means of transportation for a Pastor. Also a metal roof for a church costs $500.00
I am thankful for...the opportunity to be a part of the work of Christ throughout the world, and the sweet fellowship with believers from all over the world.
From the kitchen...boring. Chicken legs and carrots. I'm still hungry.
I am yoga pants (and long johns), a print top and a black sweater.
I am reading...Discovering Christ in the Song of Solomon by Don Fortner. It's so beautiful. How did I never see these things before?
I am shifts this week won't be as busy as last week.
I am hearing...the train. I arrived in time for the early train so I could visit my sister's fiance before work, but it was delayed twenty minutes due to a medical emergency. Maybe tomorrow.
Around the house...there's a rabbit under our deck. He probably feels safe there, from coyotes, and warm next to the hot tub. I wouldn't mind, but he ate our rose bush, the varmint!
One of my favourite things...a hot sauna, in my own home. Still amazed by that, and thankful.
Some plans for the three nights, hopefully have a quiet weekend catching up on work around the house. I still haven't even tried the sports and dance games for our Kinect. Maybe we'll have guests on Sunday.

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