Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kody's Winter Coat

Outside my window...dark, but mild. Very little snow this winter. I suppose we do need some kind of precipitation this winter. Wouldn't want a winter drought.
I am thinking...that it's funny that on the show Hawaii-5-0, they have a Korean actor, playing a Hawaiian with a Chinese name (Chin Ho), and his character has a cousin, played by a Philippina actress. Does Hollywood think one Asian is the same as the next, or are they counting on the fact that most people can't tell the difference?
I am have enough time Friday night to prep my message and food for the meeting of the Women of Faith Saturday morning. Mostly done, just tweaking.
I am thankful for...chocolate. Sometimes it just hits the spot.
I am wearing...jeans, a pink Roots t-shirt, and a black cardigan.
From the kitchen...beef stroganoff, egg noodles and green beans.
I am hearing...the train.
I am reading...Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. It's the second book in The Hunger Games trilogy. Intense!
Around the house...the kids are back in school for the new term. My youngest is preparing for a job interview next week for summer work. My mom is very teary lately, which isn't like her. My husband is prepping for the possible municipal labour disruption.
One of my favourite things...I caved, and bought Kody a jacket. I swore I'd never buy clothes for a pet. He looks darn cute, though.
Some plans for the four nights. Only two to go. Make rainbow fruit skewers for the Women of Faith meeting since I'm speaking about Noah's ark. Clean and prep on Saturday because we'll be hosting the guest preacher on Sunday. Our Pastor and his wife are delayed in Texas.

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