Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Preached by Pastor Brian Robinson on Feb. 18, 2012

Romans 8:12-17

We have an obligation, but not to the sinful nature.
When you see ‘therefore’ in Scripture, ask what the therefores are there for.
It links the thoughts to what preceded it.
Everyone is under obligation. We can’t opt out. We are debtors to the flesh or debtors to God.
Obligation is a compelling word. It implies duty, necessity, requirement.
In Paul’s day, 45% of the population were slaves—they understood what it meant to be under obligation.
Freedom is an illusion; everyone who sins is a slave to sin.
Romans 7 talks about the tug of war that goes on in the heart of the believer.
The old nature will throw a temper tantrum if it’s ignored.
If only our old obligation understood we were not obligated to it.
In the Mortification of Sin by John Owen, he says, “Sin will not spare for one day”, and “It will either prevail or be prevailed upon.”
We all have our own Goliaths. “Is there not a cause?”
We need to learn to say no, and live self controlled lives.
It’s not all negative. We’re not alone. We may get tired, but like Gideon, we are “faint, yet pursuing.”
We may begin to question our salvation.
Tell your Elder Brother you are being bullied.
He didn’t save us to leave us alone, but to indwell us.
It’s not an equal fight, and it’s not meant to be. We have the Omnipotent One on our side.
We have the whole armour of God.
He reminds us of our status in the family of God—heirs, and joint-heirs with Christ.
The promises of God are overwhelming.
He takes us from the guttermost to the uttermost.
We must live up to the family name.

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