Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Outside my window...muggy weather. No surprise. This is Toronto.
I am thinking...some days I'm pretty insecure. I get only a few minutes a day with my husband and it's not enough. Well, soon we'll have another two weeks off together.
I am hoping...a couple from our church can plan their sudden wedding. They have two and a half weeks.
I am thankful for...a job. They are beginning layoffs in our hospital. I feel pretty secure with my 26 years' seniority.
From the kitchen...meat eggrolls and rice.
I am hearing...a very quiet unit. The O.R. is closed this week so we have only chemo and radiation patients. Quite a change from last week, which was crazy busy. I also had a pt. with a demaning and high maintenance family. I've never been happier to see the end of a week. Tonight I'm doing some e-learning inservices.
I am reading...Short-Straw Bride by Karen Witemeyer. Another Western Inspirational romance. I'm on a kick, right now. Cowboys. (sigh)
Around the house...I've already started packing for the Carey Conference. It always takes a lot of planning. Kody will be with us in the trailer. I hope he'll be good around the other dogs and all those people.
One of my favourite things...we took a beach day, just me and my hubby. We got our usual spot on the beach and did nothing all morning. Then, because we weren't finished, we did nothing all afternoon.
Some plans for the three nights. BBQ with friends and missionaries we support to discuss a possible missions trip next year, if it's financially feasible. If it doesn't rain this weekend, we will try to get in another beach day. We'll take the dog with us this time, and he can swim. Sunday, I'd like to finally go to The Taste of the Danforth, for Greek food. Opa!

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