August Journaling
1. My husband’s last day of vacation
until the end of August. We picked up our grandson to stay over for two nights.
His babysitter is taking vacation. He’s 18 months old today
2. My mom is coming over to help me look
after our grandson.
3. My grandson said, Belly button, then
lifted my top and gave me a raspberry. I couldn’t stop laughing. How does he
know to do that?
4. Great news. Our daughter is pregnant
again. She’s 13 weeks along and will be due in February so the kids will be two
years apart. We’re so excited. She had a lot of morning sickness again, and our
grandson mocks her. He stands over the toilet and makes retching noises. The
little stinker.
5. Bought some accessories in the accent
colour for the kitchen, as well as curtains, which have to be hemmed. Just
measuring and pinning them was too much for me.
I used to be able to sew and clean and decorate. Now I can barely do
anything. I feel the loss of my old self every day.
6. Bought some barstools for the island
and my husband put them together.
7. Such an encouraging message at church
this morning. We know how the story ends.
8. Watching the Olympics.
9. Watching my grandson. No extra walking
today. I tried the other day and a few blocks nearly killed me, plus their
brand new building doesn’t even come with an elevator. I could cry when I look
up two flights.
10. Our daughter had her second ultrasound today.
The baby looks healthy and active. We won’t find out the sex till it’s born.
They want to be surprised, too. I agree. That’s what we did. We stopped in a
pet store and my grandson loved looking at the pets, especially the fish.
11. Sending a final appeal for CPP disability. Also my daughter in Holland heard back about
her articling interviews.
12. So far no improvement from my new medication.
Our daughter’s family is here tonight because of a friend’s wedding.
13. Missing our youngest daughter who is in
Holland for another five weeks. She’s starting to feel homesick, too. She’s
also travelling throughout the Netherlands. She and the other Canadian interns
had lunch at the Canadian embassy and met the Ambassador.
14. Naturopath appointment, then off to my
daughter’s overnight.
15. My grandson loves to dance.
16. Worn out from my grandson. Now packing to go
to the Carey conference. Each year we go we try to make it more low-key. Simple
meals or eating out, naps every day, no pressure to visit with people.
17. Dental appointment and haircut.
18. Last day to pack. Also bringing my blueberry
pie. The easiest pie in the world, and expected by all our friends.
19. Baked my famous blueberry pie, using cane
sugar and organic flour and butter, so I can have some, too.
20. Off to the Carey conference. Thankful my mom
is going as well.
21. Great preaching, as usual, and nice to
reconnect with old friends. Heard that our daughter fainted in the middle of
singing on stage at church. Her husband and friend-nurse ran up to see how she
was. Then her midwife came with cupcakes and checked on her bp and the baby’s
heartrate. I guess the whole church knows she’s pregnant now since they had to
tell everyone she’s ok, just pregnant. Her blood pressure and blood sugar were
22.Three hour nap today, yet I’ll still sleep
eight hours at night.
23. I wasn’t able to nap today for as long as
usual, so I can’t make it to this evening’s session. A friend had a medical
emergency and they called me to assess her. A little hard to do since I have no
equipment with me, but she was better by the time I got there and she was going
into town to the urgent care centre just to be on the safe side.
24. We’re leaving early from the conference, after
this evening’s session. First time in 24 years we’ve done that, but we need a
day to rest and unpack before we go to visit my brother-in-law for his 50th
25. I miss my grandson but probably can’t see him
for a week, so we talked to him on the phone.
26. Our
youngest daughter is 24 today. She’s still in Holland for another month. Miss
her a lot.
27. We went up to Muskoka to see where my
brother-in-law and his wife have moved to take up a Pastorate. He gave up
engineering to do this. They have a beautiful house on 50 acres.
28. We went to their church today but he wasn’t
preaching as they had Compassion there instead.
29. Went back to a pain clinic to try to adjust
the dose. The first one made me hallucinate.
30. They’re painting our kitchen/family room.
31. Painting is done and looks beautiful.
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