Wednesday, March 1, 2017

New Granddaughter!

February Journaling

1.       Our grandson is two years old today. I can’t even say how much I love him. He’s a Mimi’s boy, but I’m a Benny’s Mimi. Trying to catch up with paperwork for my insurance companies.

2.       Such a mess down there in the U.S. So many executive orders already. Does he not know how things are done day to day, by trying to prove the merits of the idea?

3.       A quiet day at home.

4.       Finished my Summary of Deuteronomy for Tuesday morning.

5.       We had a funeral this afternoon for a friend of my mother-in-law. My brother-in-law Michael, who is now a Pastor, did the funeral service. The thing I love about Caribbean funerals is that they serve real food, not sandwiches. There was curried goat, jerk chicken and bbq chicken along with hot side dishes. Delicious.

6.       Pain injections in my face today. I was numb in my head and shoulders, so I had to back out of yoga tonight.

7.       Presented the Summary of Deuteronomy today, then out for lunch. Pain injections to my back today.

8.       Helped my mom fill out forms for the same pain clinic I go to for the nerve block injections to my back. Then rushed over to Oakville because our daughter was in labour. She delivered a baby girl naturally after only five hours of hard labour. They named her Robin Elisa. We didn’t know what she was having, but are so excited to have a granddaughter. Since these are most likely the only grandchildren we’ll have, it’s nice that we have one of each. Benny was so excited to meet her. After he saw her first on the phone, he ran into their room and pointed at the bassinette and said, “Baby…tummy…out.” The video of them meeting was precious. I’ll post a picture of her.

9.       We were going to go over there again so my husband and mother-in-law could meet the new baby but my husband still has a cough and it’s supposed to snow a lot today.

10.   Women’s Ministry breakfast today. I finished out my old series on Even Me? The Unlikely Women in the Genealogy of Christ, with Mary.

11.   I’ve started saving money in different ways; one way is to save $5 bills as I get them, I’m up to over $500 that way. I also set aside cash each pay, to pay for any vacation in full. I also save all my coins. And I set aside money into another account every pay.

12.   I sent off a sample for DNA testing for detoxification studies. Almost $800 out of pocket for that. I hope it gives me some answers for targeted treatment. I soooo want to get better.

13.   Not thrilled to go to my family doctor today, as I’ve got so many insurance forms to fill out.

14.   Summary of Deuteronomy today, then lunch with the ladies.

15.   Finally! A few days off without anything to do.

16.   Catching up with my Bible reading plan. I try to stay a week ahead because life happens and I get too overwhelmed when I’m behind. Also Yoga again tonight.

17.   Picking up forms from the doctor’s office that she didn’t want to fill out when I was there on Monday. Also it’s costing me $40 out of pocket.

18.   My husband has been sick so this is his first time to meet the new baby. His mother is coming along as well. Then our grandson is coming for a sleepover.

19.   Our daughter is coming back tonight from Law School for her reading week. Nice to have her back.

20.   It’s Family Day. Quiet day at home. Tacos for dinner. No yoga tonight.

21.   Bible study this morning, pain clinic in the afternoon, and WM planning meeting this evening.

22.   My diet has changed because of my illness. I eat almost all organic foods, no preservatives or pesticides. Cleaning out the trigger products like scented cleaners, air fresheners, dryer sheets and memory foam pillows has made a big difference. I also don’t use plastic or Teflon anymore.

23.   Three appointments today; dentist, chiropractor and massage. My daughter attended my yoga class with me.

24.   Our youngest daughter and I went to babysit so our other other daughter and her husband could attend an appreciation dinner for the worship team at their church. They took the newborn along since she’s nursing. When we left the fog was sooooo thick. The visibility on the 407 was only 5-20 feet ahead for most of the way home. Thankfully, my daughter drove while I prayed. I must say I was quite nervous about it.

25.   Quiet day at home, doing laundry and reading.

26.   Church today.

27.   Osteopath appointment today. Just found out this new company we’re under since January doesn’t cover osteo like the previous one, so I may stop going. It’s not terribly helpful to me. Yoga tonight was extra hard but my goal is to hold the pose for as many breaths as I’m supposed to. Who knew stretching and posing could make you sweat? Yet, in only a month I’m building muscle and getting more flexible. Seems to be something to this thing.

28.   Last day of the month already. Bible study, then lunch out for the birthday of one of the ladies, then a quick rest, not long enough, and my pain clinic appointment for more nerve blocks to my back. They’re helping at least with my back pain, for about five days out of seven.

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