Sunday, March 31, 2019

We went over to the Dork Side

March 2019 Journaling

1.    Spanish class.

2.    Quiet day.

3.    Church and naps.

4.    Chiro and massage.

5.    School day, brought to you by the letter Uu, the number 19, animal habitats, and the story of Jesus healing the paralytic, again, since it didn’t work last week.

6.    Long nap today. No energy.

7.    We went and booked our Mediterranean cruise today; going in July.

8.    Getting my yearly highlights to cover my greys. The grandkids are coming for one night. Also going to Spanish class.

9.    Grandkids here. My youngest went to Ottawa as part of her prep for her upcoming job there. Long nap.

10.Church. I have a family tree done by a cousin in Finland, for my dad’s side. I decided to try to put one together for my mom’s side, while my mom still remembers dates.

11. Dental work today. I told my dentist about my novel and he said he wanted to buy six copies and help me promote it. Serendipity.

12. School day brought to you by the letter Vv, the number 20, volcanoes, and the story of God calling Samuel.

13. Costco with my mom, nap, and prepping tax info for my husband.

14. Home day, doing homework.

15. Pain clinic. Spanish class tonight.

16.  Bible study homework. Out for dinner at the Keg with my husband. We took Uber for the first time. Went over to the Dork Side.

17. Church.

18. Dental work today, then a nap, dinner, and school prep.

19. School day brought to you by the letter Ww, ordinal numbers, weather, whales and water, and a discussion about heaven.

20. Yesterday morning, the sunroof on our CRV shattered spontaneously as my husband was driving. So it’s in the shop now and I’m stranded as he had to use my car to get to work.

21. Bible study. Got there by Uber.

22. Spanish class in evening.

23. I went to shopping for spring and summer clothes with my daughter, napped, then went to a wedding shower for a woman from church. Now booking excursions for the cruise.

24. Heard some good news today; will share soon.

25. I only have energy to vacuum once a month. It wore me out.

26. School day brought to you by the letter Xx, ordinal numbers, the triumphal entry, last supper and foot washing story, and digestion, and x-rays.

27. It’s my mom’s 79th birthday today, and she is still unsaved. L

28. Errands today after Bible study. Our Bible study is intense; we read the whole two chapters section by section and I comment on it and we have discussions, then we answer the questions in the Precepts Ministries book. It takes an hour and a half but it is so enriching and such a blessing.

29. The cover of my book is finished now, working on the final approvals for typesetting, then I’ll get my ARC, advanced reader copy, then it goes to print and I’ll get it a month later, so I can finally plan a launch date. Yikes, took my car in to get my seasonal tire changeover and with the brakes it  cost me $1400. We recently had to pay that for furnace repair as well. Hoping to get a good tax return so we can frivolously spend it on paying down our credit card.

30. Women’s ministry breakfast, very good, but I had a poor sleep, so I came home and napped 2-1/2 hours, then did homework and made dinner.

31. Church today, but didn’t feel well, even after a long nap, so I stayed home this evening.

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