Sunday, March 1, 2020

Leap Year Party

February Journaling

1.    Our grandson is five years old today! I can hardly believe it. I love that kid. He’s so sweet. Yesterday he and I had a great conversation about the things we’re looking forward to in heaven.

2.    Church.

3.    Chiro and massage.

4.    Pyjama day.

5.    School day: brought to you by the letter Qq, the number 17, Quebec, and the Golden Calf story.

6.    No women’s Bible study today due to weather. Wrote a few chapters of the Job commentary.

7.    Final planning meeting for the Agape Gala next Saturday.

8.    Our granddaughter is three today. She’s a firecracker. Life is not boring with her around. I’ll post a picture.

9.    Church.

10. Movie night at church with the women’s ministry; they showed Overcomer. Very good.

11. Pain clinic.

12. School day, brought to you by the letter Rr, the number 18, rabbits and rainbows, the

13. My podcast is now also on itunes. Search Bible Companion Series. Almost finished the book of Job.

14. Setting up for the Agape gala tomorrow. Baking 80 mini cupcakes.

15. The Agape Gala was a success. My husband did the message. My mom was a guest.

16. Church. Also, my dad would have been 81 today, but he died in a workplace accident at age 28.

17. Family day, heading to Hamilton to spend the day with the grandkids.

18. Home day, writing plus a few errands.

19. Errands.

20. Women’s Bible Study. We’re in 1 Timothy.

21. Writing day.

22. Baking for tomorrow. I finished writing all the podcasts for the Book of Job. It could be put into hard copy. I’ll talk to my husband about it. Maybe just print 100 copies.

23. Church, and in between services we had a luncheon for new visitors to the church, to meet the elders and their wives. I brought cupcakes for dessert.

24. Doctor’s appointment to fill out forms. I hate going, but it was okay. Purchased things for our leap year party this weekend.

25. Errands.

26. Skipping our weekly trip to Hamilton because of the weather.

27. Women’s Bible study canceled due to weather. It doesn’t bother me, I grew up in the Soo, but some are nervous.

28. Cleaning, cooking, preparing for our dinner party tomorrow.

29. We are dressing eclectic, serving our dinner in reverse order, playing games and taking silly pictures for our Leap Year Dinner Party.

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