Sunday, May 31, 2020

Pandemic Third Month

May Journaling

1.    I filled up my tank only because gas is so cheap; 80 cents/litre. I could have easily gone six weeks to the tank.

2.    I’m growing vegetables hydroponically from scraps. I’ll plant them outside when it warms up.

3.    COVID19 week seven. Indoor grilled steak and shrimp.

4.    I’m so grateful we still have an income and employment. When this is over, I’ll be even more grateful for hugs from my grandkids.

5.    I planted some vegetables grown from scraps into my stand-up planter boxes. Made chicken fajita lettuce wraps.

6.    Beautiful day for a walk in the neighbourhood. So many people out walking these days. Made Lake Erie pickerel and corn on the cob. Virtual prayer meeting.

7.    Making turkey and mashed potatoes. My husband’s big project is to clear out the garage so he can fit both cars in instead of just mine. He also needs to buy a small shed for the backyard.

8.    Homemade mushroom soup and turkey club sandwiches.

9.    It’s snowing! Snowing! On May 9th! I can’t believe it. We had steak and baked potatoes and salad for dinner.

10. COVID19 week eight. Also the second Lord’s Supper. It’s Mother’s Day. My girls bought me a Downton Abbey cookbook for my next dinner party. We ordered High Tea to go from the Tartan House B & B where we’ve taken our moms before. I also ordered one for myself. I am going to my mom’s to share ours together in her backyard, while staying apart. I also bought her a washable mask from a local designer. I am bringing some salsa to my sister for her birthday.

11. I bought some groceries, took a nap, and worked on my podcast.

12. It’s my sister’s 58th birthday. I can’t believe we’re both grandmothers (Mummis) now. I also had a pain clinic appointment for nerve block injections to my back. Glad they’re still open.

13. Virtual prayer meeting. My husband did the Bible study.

14. My mother-in-law turned 75 today but because of the pandemic we can’t celebrate. My daughter’s mother-in-law turned 65 today. My mom turned 80 in March and we had to miss that celebration, too.

15. It’s been two months now since we’ve been self-isolating. They’re starting to ease restrictions. Looking forward to seeing my grandkids again. Our daughter is due with her third baby any day now. She will deliver at home with a midwife for obvious reasons.

16. Not sleeping very well for some reason.

17. Ordered Greek food delivered.

18. Victoria Day.

19. Ravi Zacharias has died. He was a Christian apologist and preacher. He was converted from Hinduism after attempting suicide at the age of 17. He lived to age 74. Another great Christian leader of our generation promoted to glory. He was a Hindu from India. One of his best friends was a young man named Nabeel Quereshi, who was a former Muslim from Pakistan, who predeceased him quite young. According to the world, these two should have nothing in common. But in Christ, they are brothers. I can imagine the reunion, as they meet at the feet of the Saviour they both loved and served.

20. Virtual prayer meeting. Today was so warm, our whole neighbourhood seemed to be out walking.

21. We have a third grandchild; Maren Emilia. She was born at home during the global pandemic. “Thursday’s child is full of grace,” as a poem says. The midwife barely got there on time. Her mom only had a few hours of labour, and only 20 minutes of active labour. They called 911, the police got there first. They must have been afraid they’d have to deliver; as they didn’t even go into the room. Then the paramedics arrived, so the police went out to their car. The midwife ran up the stairs as she was pushing. So the paramedics left. You were born on a beautiful sunny day. She weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces which is a good size. It took a while for her parents to agree on a name. She is a rainbow baby; a baby who is born after a pregnancy loss; because she represents hope, like the rainbow after the global flood in Noah’s day.

22. We went and picked up the other two to sleep at our house for three nights. We hadn’t seen them for ten weeks because of the lockdown. The new parents wanted some time to spend with the new baby alone. We never expected to have more than two grandchildren, so she was a nice surprise!

23. I forgot how busy these kids could be. They saw my husband’s mom today, which made them all happy.

24. My mom came over to see the grandkids, we sat outside. She hadn’t seen them in ten weeks.

25. Snow earlier in the month, then a heat wave. Crazy.

26. Pain clinic for nerve block injections to my face. So glad they’re still open. These two pain clinics make my life bearable.

27. The weather is all over the place; snow two weeks ago, then a heat wave this week.

28. We got a garage door opener on the second door. My husband’s goal since we moved in ten years ago was to fit both cars in the garage. He has cleared out a lot of junk but needs to buy a shed before it can happen. Staying at home, all our news is about the house.

29. Our new little granddaughter is so cute.

30. We had a virtual women’s ministry meeting to meet the new team.

31. My husband is staining our new deck that was built last summer.

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