December Journaling
1. Getting ready for school with grandkids
tomorrow, and Bible study on Thursday. My husband is taking the week off to
write a paper for his seminary course. He had an extra week of vacation this
year since he’s been with the city for 30 years, but nowhere to go.
2. School day brought to you by the letter Zz,
the number zero, the colour black, the shape of oval, a virtual field trip to a
zoo, the story of Zachaeus, and the sense of touch.
3. Bible study online. A bank appointment. I
really dislike those. I was hoping to save $400 but only managed $100.
4. Going to the pain clinic for my appointment.
5. Christmas shopping.
6. Church COVID week 38.
7. Decorated my mini tree today. My cousin from
the Soo called today. She was just diagnosed with stage four inoperable lung
cancer, plus COPD and emphysema. She’s 53 and a life-long smoker. When we saw
her in the summer I thought she was sick since she was extremely thin. She
didn’t begin investigations till the fall. They’ve told her to focus on quality
of life, since all they’re offering her is chemo. I’m mostly worried about her
spiritual state.
8. Going to the pain clinic with my mom. She
doesn’t understand what they’re saying behind their masks.
9. Paid the mortgage, mailed food to Nunavut and
cookies to the U.S. The family I send food to in Nunavut just had a house fire
and lost everything. It was totally preventable because it was due to careless
smoking indoors. It resulted in three other families becoming homeless as well.
So sad. I had sent winter coats for the kids last Christmas, but I guess
they’re gone too.
10. Final Bible study of the year, then a four
week break for Christmas.
11. Errands, nap, dinner out with my husband,
12. Quiet Saturday at home.
13. Church COVID week 39. A bit of light at the
end of the tunnel with a vaccine arriving this week.
14. I’m sending a gospel of John and a letter to
my cousin to witness to her. I may risk of offending her, but I don’t want her
cursing my name throughout eternity because I never shared the gospel with her.
15. Costco and Chapters.
16. School day brought to you by the letter Aa,
the number 4, the colour green, the square shape, the Christmas story, a
virtual field trip to an animal farm, and the sense of sight. Then I stayed
overnight, and got a lot of writing done because I brought my computer.
17. Home again. Made pickerel for dinner. Yum.
Women’s virtual ministry meeting.
18. I only stopped at the drug store.
19. It looks like another lockdown is headed our
way. Still getting ready for a virtual Christmas with most of the family, and
only immediate family for our meal.
20. COVID week 40; wow, ten months already.
21. Heading into lockdown again.
22. Beginning our Christmas celebrations today.
23. Last minute errands. Everyone is coming over
today. Christmas Eve eve.
24. Christmas Eve. Zooming with the extended
25. Covid Christmas Day. I got a robot vacuum;
yet to be named, and an Instapot. My husband got a toaster oven. We had a big
breakfast with mimosas, then apps for lunch because we had an early dinner
since our daughter’s family had to leave early.
26. Leftovers. Tried out the robo-vacuum, which
was fun to watch.
27. Covid week 41. Back to lockdown so church is
online. My husband preached this morning on the song of Mary. See sermons to listen. I went in person and was the only ‘audience’
he had other than the two sound guys. I’m shocked at how dirty our floors are;
the robot vacuum canister fills up each day, all from the main floor. But I’m
loving not having to vacuum. I also bought a mini dust buster for the stairs.
28. Our daughter went back to Ottawa. She’ll be
moving to her own place in February.
29. Back to normal, I undecorated since we gave
the table the mini tree was resting on, to our daughter for her new apartment.
Back to writing after a week off.
30. Going to try to figure out my new Instapot
31. New Year’s Eve at home with my husband,
ordered burgers and fries, watched a movie, and enjoyed a fruit platter, cheese
and crackers, pate, and champagne. I think, like most people, we won’t be sad
to see this year in the rear view mirror.
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