1. My sister’s family has now moved to
B.C. My mom is having a hard time with it because she knows it is not likely
she’ll see them much at all.
2. Went to Hamilton for the last time
before school starts. They kept the baby home from daycare for us too. Had
school for them. They have roller blades now.
3. I’m down 8 pounds and about five inches.
The lack of inflammation is decreasing my pain. Curious which food has caused
it; dairy, gluten, alcohol? Super hot day.
4. Church. Our daughter is back for a
5. Labour Day. Our headphones I use for
recording need repair, so I can’t post any podcasts for a few weeks.
6. Bloodwork.
7. Prayer meeting.
8. Went for a walk down by the lake with
my mom. Hearing another pastoral applicant tonight. Decision tomorrow.
9. Writing.
10.Down 10 pounds and 5 inches. It may
not seem like much but if you picture carrying around a bag of potatoes you get
11. Church. Back to evening services.
12. I’ll be flying to the Soo for my
reunion. I hate flying.
13. Went to watch a soccer game this
evening of a young boy in our church.
14. Writing.
15.Returned to Bible study today; the books
of Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah.
16. Telephone appointment with my mom’s
17. Down 12 pounds and 8 inches. Slow
and steady; at least I won’t have loose skin from rapid weight loss.
18. Church.
19. Chiro and massage.
20. Pain clinic for back injections.
21. Our daughter is back from Ottawa
22. Bible study. A new woman joined us.
23. Scrambling to write because I have a
busy weekend. I posted my podcast.
24. At Toronto Baptist Seminary which is
having special lectures. So I travelled downtown with my daughter who helped me
set up my book table. I sold five books and gave a few away. It was an
exhausting day though because then there was bad traffic and I didn’t eat until
three o’clock and then had my nap after. But I’m glad I went and the preaching
was incredible.
25. Church today. The men are away at
their retreat which my husband organized. Then in the late afternoon we went to
the ordination service of a friend of ours. So encouraging to see.
26. Writing for my Bible study Thursday.
27. Hair highlights and cut so I can
look younger for my upcoming high school reunion.
28. More writing.
29. Bible study.
30. Mom’s medical appointment by
telephone. Trying to keep up with at least one podcast episode per week while
I’m teaching, too. I basically write three theological papers per week. Grandkids
coming for the night.
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