Monday, February 7, 2011

The Bathroom Bill

February 7, 2011.

Outside my window...snowy, but not too cold. Another cold snap is headed our way tomorrow. Is winter over yet?
I am thinking...the Canadian government is close to passing a private member's bill, referred to as the Bathroom Bill, because it will allow anyone with 'gender issues' access to the washroom of the opposite sex. It will also include gender identity and gender confusion as human rights and will add them to the criminal code under hate laws. This will open the door to spurious claims of discrimination if they are not allowed into dorms or washrooms, either dressed as the opposite sex, or not. I saw this coming back when they changed the definition of marriage. Now anything goes, and if you dare speak against it, you're the one with the problem. I'm afraid this law will probably pass, but I wrote to my M.P. regardless.
I am thankful for...daughters who are saved. This week my husband had a change at work and he was a little nervous about it. When he woke up, my daughter had left post-it notes with encouraging Bible verses on them for him. There's nothing better than that!
From the kitchen...shrimp and okra soup (see recipe under Soups), because it was just me and my husband for supper tonight.
I am wearing...purple work out pants, a white top, and a grey cardigan.
I am reading...David by Charles Swindoll.
I am finish up my Bathsheba message by the weekend, so I can start on the one on Mary.
I am hearing...the train, and people from an HR department discussing how to fill out forms.
Around the husband led his first Lord's supper as an Elder, yesterday. I was in the nursery, but managed to get upstairs in time for most of it. My eldest's housemate got a puppy named Kody. He's an Australian Shepherd/Labrador Retriever mix and he's very cute and shy. Now she's begging for us to get one. Not likely. My youngest is dealing with friends who have serious life issues. She's so sensitive and takes everything so hard, but wants to be there for her friends. I went to the dentist and then for a workout this morning. It needed to be done, but it made my Monday more meh! Isn't that a great word?
One of my favourite things...scents in the hot tub. We got juniper/basil/cypress and it smells so fresh. We also got snowed on while we were in there. It's the best.
Some plans for the four nights. Hopefully get more writing done this weekend. Maybe have guests over on Sunday.

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