Monday, February 14, 2011


February 14, 2011.

Outside my window...the snow began melting this morning, but this evening there's a wicked cold wind.
I am thinking...there are some unpleasant changes at work, that may become permanent. I may have to start working weekends. I'm still too upset to talk about. I hope it doesn't happen
I am thankful husband. It's Valentine's Day today, but every Friday he buys me roses, and he has for the past ten years or so, so I feel loved every day.
From the kitchen...Louisiana chicken wings, fries, carrot sticks.
I am wearing...purple workout pants and a purple top.
I am reading...Sweet Devotion by Felicia Mason.
I am hoping...the union can sort out this weekend opening mess and shut it down, or at least delay it.
I am hearing...many conversations on a full train.
Around the house...on Friday night, we went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant, and then we had my mother-in-law come over after work for a hot tub. Saturday was a pajama day and I got a lot of writing done. I finished Bathsheba for the Ladies' meeting and worked on my Scarlet Thread project. We used the sauna twice, I worked out, and church was good on Sunday. My mother had tears in her eyes during, In Christ Alone, "no guilt in life, no fear in death", and the message was about being close to the kingdom, but not in it. Oh, Lord, please save my Mom!
One of my favourite things...seeing my W.I.P.'s (works-in-progress) printed out. I have a giant pile of eight fictional projects and the one tiny non-fiction project. To look at it, you'd think it would make more sense to complete one of the fictional stories, but nah! Although I almost wanted to hug my manuscripts. I feel like I've missed my old friends. I love each of my stories for different reasons, like my kids.
Some plans for the three nights, clean, shop, and then spend the weekend with our girls. They have the same spring break so we'll do mani-pedi's, movie, eating out, museum and whatever else we can squeeze into the weekend. I don't work till Tuesday night.

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