Monday, April 18, 2011

Newest Member of the Family

April 18, 2011.

Outside my and overcast. Yesterday, we even had snow. Snow! In late April! That's just wrong.
I am thinking...we decided to adopt Kody. It only took two days out of the ten day trial. Now we're seeing what a big responsibility it is to have a pet. Like having a toddler for 15 years. Our kids are grown up, but this 'baby' will always need to be fed, bathed, exercised, entertained, and cared for. Plus, in the last few days he's been rather aggressive; jumping and biting. That should improve after he's neutered, but we can't do that till he stops teething. He starts obedience school tomorrow, once a week for six weeks. Once he knows a few commands he should be better controlled. The rest he'll outgrow. He's still a puppy. In spite of it all, we love him. I got his licence today.
I am thankful improvement in my health. Turns out I'm not dying after all, well, at least not imminently.
From the kitchen...chicken legs and corn on the cob.
I am wearing...jeans and a blue top.
I am reading...The Lightkeeper's Bride by Colleen Coble.
I am hoping...Kody's behaviour will get under control.
Around the daughters are beginning to see the reality of having a puppy. They have to wake up with him, walk him, clean up after him, and take him to obedience school and the vet. Both girls are in exams now. My eldest went with my Mom to London to visit relatives.
One of my favourite things...speaking at Ladies' Meetings. See my message on Eve, below.
Some plans for the four nights. Try to stay awake Friday morning to attend the Good Friday service. Do our taxes on Saturday. Attend the Easter Sunrise breakfast on Sunday morning at church. Maybe a family dinner on Monday. As of Friday morning, I'm off work for TEN DAYS! So excited.

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