Monday, May 2, 2011

Election Day

May 2, 2011.

Outside my window...a clear afternoon after a rainy morning.
I am thinking...Osama bin Laden is dead. It was announced last night. I knew it was done by NAVY SEALs even before they announced it. GO NAVY!His death marked the beginning of justice for him, but now he stands before the Judge of all the earth, Jesus Christ, and must give an account to Him. Such a fearful thing to have Jesus as our Judge, but not our Saviour. There may be a backlash from the terrorists, but after ten long years, there is some closure for the families.
I am thankful for...forty-seven years of life. Good health, a happy marriage (25 years), two beautiful,smart daughters, who are both saved and desiring to serve God with their lives, a job I love, a great church to serve God and fellowship with His people, where I have been faithfully instructed for 27 years, a lovely home, a vehicle, and a new puppy. Mostly, I'm thankful that God saved me in spite of myself, and has preserved me all these years.
From the kitchen...leftovers.
I am wearing...jeans and my SAN DIEGO hoodie.
I am reading...While We're Far Apart, by Lynn Austin. I find I get most of my reading done on my commute. I was just off for ten days and didn't read at all, except my Bible.
I am hoping...this election today doesn't change the country too much for the worse. We voted in the advance polls. Both my daughters voted for the first time today.
I am hearing...the train.
Around the house...we had a busy time while I was off. We had guests over four times for dinners and hot tubbing. I had a few productive writing days, I shopped with my daughters, I had an endoscopy done (and found that in addition to my reflux, I also have a hiatus hernia and gastric polyps). No answer to my main concern so I'll have to follow that up this week. This scope doesn't check the upper esophagus, where I have a problem. On my birthday, my girls made me breakfast in bed, and I got cash, a Kindle, and two colouring books and a 64-pack of Crayola crayons, with a sharpener! My youngest felt sorry for me with my poor girl stories about not being able to afford crayons at the beginning of the school year. I had a relaxing evening colouring yesterday. My eldest has two friends over tonight. My youngest woke up early to watch the Royal Wedding. She's been looking after the dog a lot. Kody has been to two of six of his obedience classes. He is so smart and it's a pleasure to walk him now that he doesn't pull or jump, or chew on his leash. He thinks I'm his mom and he follows me from room to room.
One of my favourite things...hearing good preaching. Mark Hudson preached both sermons on Sunday. Very informative, insightful and challenging, especially the evening message about the danger of putting tradition above the Word of God. I've seen an example of this at my friend's church. They said that the Christmas tree has pagan roots, which is true. But then they took that a step further and said no one in their congregation should have a Christmas tree in their house, and the elders would discipline you if you did. That's taking something that's not even in Scripture and enforcing it. While I agree that Christmas trees have nothing to do with Christmas, I think in that case they've gone too far and have stepped on the authority of the head of the house to decide those things.
Some plans for the three nights. Doctor and dental appointment Friday morning, overnight guests from Ottawa Friday night, and thena Ladies' conference on Saturday with nine ladies from church. Sunday, the usual.

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