Thursday, July 1, 2021

Stair lift for mom

June Journaling

1.    Pain clinic for back injections.

2.    My husband’s cousin sent a family tree record of his mom’s side of the family going back four generations.

3.    This is the 23rd anniversary of my husband’s cancer surgery and his cancer has never recurred; thank God!

4.    It’s Friday so we ordered in; my husband got his usual Pho Vietnamese soup, I got Greek chicken souvlaki and Greek salad.

5.    We are having jerk chicken today.

6.    Covid week 64.

7.    We have an online appointment to renew our life insurance but I wouldn’t be surprised if they cancelled it because my husband has had cancer (23 years ago) and I have chronic illnesses. I find they’ll say I’m too sick to be insured and not sick enough for benefits. We had a company come in and give us a quote for a stair lift since my mom is moving back in with us at the end of the month.

8.    I had an appointment with my hormone doctor. Going to try a detox and booked an appointment with a dietician. Why does nothing work for me?

9.    School day brought to you by the letter Hh, the number 11, hieroglyphics, the story of Hannah, Heaven, Hopeful Homer. My daughter cut my bangs. At one point we walked past my mom with my bangs combed forward so she asked my daughter, “What’s the name of your horse?”

10. Penultimate Bible study before summer break.

11. The patios are open today, so we went out to an Italian restaurant patio.

12. Happy to hear our grandkids will be going to Christian school afterall.

13. Covid week 65; back to in-person worship again. Yay!

14. Chiro and massage, and a home appointment for insurance for bloodwork and a medical history.

15. A good day of writing.

16. Dental appointment to replace a filling.

17. Summary of the book of Job. Now a three month break. It’s my husband’s 58th birthday. Celebrating tomorrow when the grandkids come over.

18. Dietician consult. The grandkids are coming over for one night.

19. Exhausting morning with the grandkids, making crafts for father’s day tomorrow, long nap once they left.

20. It’s been two years since my book launch. Covid week 66. Father’s Day!

21.  First day of summer!

22. Prepping for school tomorrow.

23. School day brought to you by the letter Ii, the number 12, the colour indigo, the shape cone, making ice cream, learning about the 12 disciples and the 12 months of the year. Virtual field trips of an ice cream parlour and learning about the Inuit, inukshuks, and igloos. Making an igloo out of mini marshmallows, and inukshuks on the flag of Nunavut.

24. Our daughter is coming home from Ottawa for the weekend.

25. Making sea bass and scallops for our daughter.

26. Had a difficult conversation with our daughter. Much prayer needed.

27. COVID week 67, in person at church.

28. My mom moved back in with us today.

29. Pain clinic for back injections.

30. Getting a stairlift installed for my mom’s apartment in the basement. I'll post a picture. Also getting our second COVID shot today, so we’ll be fully vaccinated when we go up north in a few weeks. It was done by my pain clinic doctor who also works with my family doctor. 

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