Friday, February 3, 2023

A New Year, a new Pastor

January Journaling 2023

1.    A new year, a new pastor. We welcomed Pastor Matthew Kratz and his wife Lisa. We were blessed to have a smooth transition with no time between our retiring pastor and our new one. They announced him as Master Pat instead of Pastor Matt. Our daughter is going home today.

2.    Un-decorating from Christmas.

3.    Pain clinic. Housekeeper here for the day. The grandkids are coming to sleep over for two nights. The toddler cried when she saw her. She told her mom there was an old lady in our house. She isn’t old.

4.    Took the grandkids and friends trampolining and then out for lunch. Our grandson made a friend at our church at VBS in the summer and they keep asking for each other.

5.    Recovering.

6.    We signed up for another TBS course. This is on the book of Genesis. I’m only auditing so it’s cheaper and I don’t have to do papers or exams. I get the benefit of it without the stress. One of our elders is also going to audit it.

7.    We went and ordered a new mattress and pillows. I’m so excited to get a softer mattress and harder pillow. Right now we have a hard mattress and soft pillow. It’s been that way for 36-1/2 years of marriage. It will come on the 17th.

8.    Church. Lunch with friends. A new set up for Sunday evening services; they are now done by our men, and Wednesday evenings will be adult classes by our new Pastor plus prayer meeting.

9.    The grandkids started back at their first school, but my grandson in grade two has trouble with math and will have a tutor. But he’s not very motivated.

10. I went for my Botox appointment and told the replacement doctor that one of the good side effects of the injections to my TMJ (jaw) is that I don’t drool. He asked, “At night?” I said, “Yes, I don’t drool otherwise.” We laughed and laughed.

11. Yesterday my husband saw his original surgeon about the internal prosthesis in his leg. We worried he’d have to have surgery to repair or replace it, but he compared the x-ray to previous ones and said there was no change. There is a part loose, and he can see the muscle damage from the hematoma he had, but feels it will heal and no surgery is needed, so that’s good. His surgery for osteosarcoma was 25 years ago on June 3rd.

12. It’s official; our Baltic cruise is booked for this summer. It’s a fourteen day cruise beginning and ending in Helsinki. We’re going a few days early to see family. Our friends John and Esther who we travelled to Kentucky with last year are coming with us and we have adjoining balcony cabins. I’m so excited.

13. Poor sleep last night; mostly thinking about the cruise. I booked our travel insurance today.

14. My husband led the men’s ministry meeting this morning.

15. Church. My husband is leading music this morning and speaking tonight. Met after church for dessert to go over our travel plans. We still need to book our flights.

16. Edited a paper for someone late into the night. Writing today. Heard of a plane crash in Nepal. Worried for our daughter who is going there in April to Everest Base Camp. I wouldn’t worry so much if I knew it was well with her soul.

17. Our class starts this evening on Genesis. I’m only auditing. Our friend John will take it too.

18. In Hamilton helping out with the grandkids.

19. Bible study the summary of Nahum. Those Assyrians were nasty.

20. Scrambling to prepare for our men’s ministry and families dinner party on Saturday; ten adults and three children. We will be doing raclette, which is an indoor grill. We have two, one for veg and one for meat and seafood.

21. The dinner party went well.

22. Church. It’s been well attended, I wonder how many people followed our pastor from his previous church.

23. Writing. Our hotel room is booked for two nights in Helsinki.

24. Doctor’s appointment to fill out forms and refill medications. I really dislike going to the doctor. Genesis course tonight.

25. No prayer meeting tonight. There’s no power at the church. That’s literal power, not spiritual.

26. Bible study beginning the book of Zephaniah. Lots of snow. Thankfully, for the first time in our lives we have a snow blower. It’s a second-hand one from my brother-in-law but it helps so much with the heavy stuff, especially at the end of the driveway.

27. Sent off all my medical forms to three places. Over $70 to fax them.

28. Women’s ministry breakfast, errands.

29. Church.

30. Went with my mom to see her cardiologist. Baked for our class tomorrow. My husband is bringing coffee.

31. Went with my mom to see her family doctor. Housekeeper is here. I appreciate it so much. Our neighbour who is my husband’s age died suddenly at the gym. He has a wife and two teenaged sons. The neighbours are sending flowers and money. Genesis course tonight.

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