Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Ugandan orphans


November Journaling

1.    Not going to Hamilton this week. See Oct. 31 for the reason.

2.    Furnace maintenance.

3.    Attending a cardiologist appointment with my mom; we were gone five hours. It’s the seminary open house in the evening, so I sat in on a class on Biblical Theology; I love it and would have taken it except Wednesday nights are prayer meeting night. Long day, no nap.

4.    Bible study in a.m. Course in the evening online.

5.    I have done over 200 podcasts on the Bible Companion Series. But I still haven’t figured out how to make intro and outro music. I’m so not technical. Then I’m also trying to re-record the first 80 or so podcasts since it was before I got my headset microphone so the quality is very poor. Embarrassing.

6.    Quiet weekend after a busy week, and another one to come.

7.    Church Covid week 85.

8.    Preparing a care package for a single female missionary our church supports from the ladies at our church.

9.    I had a zoom meeting with a book club/Bible study group from my sister-in-law’s church in Bracebridge. They are reading my novel, Benaiah Mighty Man of God along with the applicable portions of Scripture. I answered their questions. It was fun. Then our daughter and grandkids came to stay over for two nights. Their school is still closed due to 13 cases of Covid. Hopefully now they will be more diligent with masking and distancing there.

10. We drove to the Big Apple with the grandkids but most things were closed. The kids had a sauna. This was the first time here since the baby started walking. Now she’s trying to climb stairs.

11. Remembrance Day. Also back to our course tonight.

12. Attending an online virtual gala for a pregnancy help centre that our daughter used to work at. Online auction.

13. Going to London for a family Christmas party.

14. My husband lost his wedding ring sometime between last night and this evening. It’s been loose since he lost weight and in September it fell off in the pool in London, but they found it right away. We called the gas station we stopped at to see if maybe it fell off when he washed his hands but no one turned it in. If someone found it, they may have pocketed it to pawn it for $500. It was purchased for $100 35 years ago. It’s mostly the sentimental value. It’s engraved with my name and our wedding date. He’s more upset than I am. He feels he should have had it sized since he knew it was loose. COVID week 86, no church for us.

15. Updated my non-practicing R.N. licence. At least it’s only 1/3 of practicing nurses. I can’t believe I’ve been off work seven years this Christmas.

16. A writing day.

17. Prayer meeting, my husband is the speaker.

18. Women’s Bible Study, through 11/16 chapters of Mark. Our course online in the evening.

19. Ordered in because it’s Friday.

20. Women’s ministry meeting; I shared about Finnish Christmas traditions. I’ll post what I said.

21. Our youngest granddaughter’s dedication service is this morning so we went to their church in Hamilton. Covid week 87.

22. Writing.

23. Going to Hamilton because my daughter is going to a recording studio to sing Finlandia in Finnish as a Christmas gift to my mom. So sweet of her.

24. Making mini meatballs for Italian wedding soup this weekend. Prayer meeting online.

25. Someone at church has Covid so we will meet online this morning. My husband and I went for our first Covid test and were both negative, yay! It was the antigen test so it wasn’t as invasive.

26. Our eldest daughter is 31 today. Hard to believe.

27. My daughter and grandkids, sister and her granddaughter are coming over to bake Finnish gingersnaps today.

28. Covid week 88.

29. Spoke with my mom’s lung doctor on the phone. Will buy an oximeter.

30. Pain clinic for back injections. Today on Giving Tuesday I know there is no shortage of worthwhile ministries to support. However, I have recently discovered an organization in Uganda that cares for destitute orphans. David William, who grew up as an orphan himself, but was cared for and learned to read, has taken it upon himself and a friend to take in 45 orphans. These kids are truly destitute; they have no shelter from the elements, few blankets, little food, and a dirty pond in which they wash and from which they drink. The little I was able to send purchased some food and toothbrushes and toothpaste as they only had sticks to brush their teeth and were getting toothaches. They are not a registered charity yet but they are a recognized non-profit organization by the government of Uganda. If you take a look at their pictures on Instagram @  agape_heartilysouls or their website you can see the sweet faces of these children. They will greet you personally. You can donate directly through their website.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021



October Journaling

1.    Reading the Bible with my mom. She gets frustrated very easily with it since English isn’t her first language and the names aren’t much easier in Finnish.

2.    The man who was Best Man at our wedding is turning 60 today, so the men are going go-karting; and they’re calling it an Old Man Grand Prix. Then we’re meeting at their house afterwards for a meal. We all sat around talking about our grandchildren or our aches and pains.

3.    Church Covid week 80.

4.    Chiro and massage.

5.    We’re supposed to go to H-town tomorrow to help my daughter out but two of the grandkids are sick, and we’ll see them on the weekend anyway.

6.    It’s my son-in-law’s birthday. I got him a mug that says, Living with a Finn builds character. He’s officially not an ‘outsider’ now.

7.    Prepping, cleaning, cooking, shopping, baking. Busy day.

8.    My husband took today off so we can finish as much as possible.

9.    Hosting 24 family members for Thanksgiving. We’re all double vaxxed, so should be fine. First holiday in almost two years.

10. Church Covid week 81. No evening service. So much leftovers, clean up and laundry.

11. More cleaning.

12. It’s our daughter and on-in-law’s 9th wedding anniversary. Eye appointment for me.

13. Helping out in Hamilton. The grandkids helped me prep six boxes for Samaritan’s Purse Christmas boxes.

14. Bible study. Online course tonight.

15. My husband took today off because he’s exhausted. I am writing. Our youngest granddaughter is sick. Poor thing.

16. Missions’ week kick-off at church today.

17. Covid week 82.

18. Dental appointment.

19. Our youngest granddaughter had a nasty reaction to penicillin; fever, hives all over, swollen face and irritability. It lasted almost a week. Me and my mom got our flu shots today. Body aches.

20. Helping out in Hamilton. Our granddaughter’s rash is much better now, just on a few places now.

21. Bible study.

22. Ordered in because it’s Friday.

23. Virtual women’s ministry meeting speaking to a young female missionary in Ireland.

24. Church Covid week 83.

25. Writing day. Breakfast for dinner. Don’t judge me.

26. Pain clinic number one. Our granddaughter started walking today! At 18 months and five days old.

27. Pain clinic number two.

28. Bible study in the morning, but no class this evening because it’s reading week.

29. Taking my car in to get my winter tires on and regular fall maintenance. My husband took the day off to give me a ride, and to work on a paper for our course. Since I’m only auditing it (I took it for credit 30 years ago), I don’t have to write papers or exams. All the benefit of a course with none of the work, and also the cost is significantly lower. We went out for dinner and I was sick when we returned home, but I don’t think it’s food poisoning since my mom ate the same thing. It could be squid ink since the spaghetti was black. I’ll call for the ingredients.

30. Writing, cleaning. The grandkids saw Niagara Falls for the first time.

31. Reformation Sunday and Covid week 84. Our grandkids’ school is closing for ten days because of a few cases in the older grades. The kids tested negative as did the whole family but because this school isn’t good about enforcing masking or distancing, they are considered close contacts, so they also have to self-isolate; at least the kids do since they’re not vaccinated yet. So that means we can’t go to school this week and they can’t go trick or treating, which made them sad. But they watched movies and ate candy. They are getting used to plans having to be changed so they are developing resiliency.

Friday, October 1, 2021

My mom is saved!


September Journaling

1.    Chiro and massage. Back to in-person prayer meeting.

2.    First trip to Costco in some time. Also got a haircut.

3.    Getting ready to go to London tomorrow. Our daughter is coming here from Ottawa.

4.    Went to London. Great to see family again, especially my cousin with lung cancer who is doing so well; even her voice is back to normal and they told her it wouldn’t do that. Also the kids learned to swim. They were in the pool the whole day. COVID week 76 but no church today since we’re out of town.

5.    Driving back home. I’ll post some pictures.

6.    Our daughter went back to Ottawa. The last day of my husband’s summer vacation. Writing and recording my podcasts; Bible Companion Series by P.H. Thompson. At 187 already; all of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Job, and most of Numbers.

7.    First day of grade one for Benny and JK for Robin. My daughter is so excited to have just one kid at home. Robin is in just three days a week. They’re still in private Christian school. They considered public school but just couldn’t do it. So we’re helping with costs because it matters to us, too. We did the same with our kids. You spend your money on things that matter to you.

8.    Going to Hamilton to help out, also to pick up my mom who is returning from London. She stayed a few extra days. They are bringing her there; Hamilton is the halfway point.

9.     Back to Women’s Bible Study in person and online.

10. Writing day.

11. My husband is at a men’s church retreat. Things are opening up again. Watching 9-11 documentaries.

12. COVID week 77. We had a guest speaker since the Pastor is at the retreat.

13. Voted early in the federal election. We’ll see if it makes a difference or if Trudeau will get back in again. He’s threatened to remove the charitable status of crisis pregnancy centres stating they are giving misleading information. But that is a misrepresentation, as the CCCC makes sure they are a legitimate charity teaching facts. It’s the groups like Planned Parenthood that ignore science, tell the woman their baby is just a clump of cells while they sell off their organs. He claims to be pro-choice but he is taking away the choice for a woman to keep her baby and get the support only provided in those places.

14. My mom was saved today! But so many times when I would bring it up she’d put up a wall or say she’s been thinking about it. Her health isn’t good and I’ve been fearing one day going downstairs and it would be too late. It’s been a burden on my heart for some time. I speak Finnish but I don’t know Bible words so I’ve been looking them up so I’d be able to pray with her in her heart language. Then I’ve been praying for an opportunity and finally on Tuesday morning I showed her Psalm 90:10 in Finnish and we were talking about death and I told her how amazing it is to know your sins are forgiven and you don’t need to fear death. Then I said, “You said you’ve thought about it before. What’s holding you back? Do you feel too good to be saved, or too bad, or you don’t you know what to say?” She said she had a lot of guilt. I told her God already knows but everything can be forgiven.
I even challenged her to try it and see. If God doesn’t forgive her she can dismiss it but He will because He’s real. Then we prayed. Afterwards she asked why God would send His Son to die. I told her John 3:16 because He loved the world and Romans 6:23 it’s a gift. Then I told her I could read the Bible with her daily and explain it and answer any questions. She liked that.
But I still couldn’t believe it was real and thought in the morning she’d say she didn’t mean it. But instead she said she cried every time she thought of it. I said it’s ok to feel things. You don’t have to be a stoic Finn. She told Gary she still had a hard time forgiving herself. It’s amazing that we can pray and still be surprised when God answers prayer. It encourages me to keep praying for others because as long as there’s life there’s hope.

15. I shared about my mom’s conversion with the church at prayer meeting online. Such things are encouragements to everyone with unsaved loved ones.

16. I still can’t believe I’m reading the Bible with my mom at her request. We read John 8 and Luke 15. I never thought this would happen. Such little faith.

17. Our granddaughter started her gymnastics classes. My husband and I started a seminary class on Christian Foundations. I’m auditing it because I took it for credit thirty years ago when I was pregnant with my first daughter. It was very different then, now it’s an intro to systematic theology. My husband is taking it for credit.

18. My grandson (6), lost his first tooth. He has started soccer lessons.

19. COVID week 78. We’re back to in-person evening services after 18 months.

20. Writing day.

21. Pain clinic for back injections.

22. Spending the day in Hamilton with the grandkids; well 2/3 are home today.

23. Our daughter came home from Ottawa because she’s in a wedding.

24. Semi-annual mammogram. Not as painful as usual, mostly because of iodine tablets.

25. Reading and writing; no arithmetic.

26. Dropped our daughter off to catch a train back to Ottawa. COVID week 79. Excellent preaching.

27. Planting some tulip bulbs for spring.

28. Dropping off some diapers for missionaries who just had a new baby.

29. We’ll be hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year; 24 people. Beginning to plan my menu. Went to church in person for prayer meeting.

30. Today is the first official Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which they’ve made into an official holiday. Also going in to teach Bible Study in person.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Buried Treasure

August Journaling

1.    Covid week 71, watched church online. My husband still has another week off work.

2.    Heard our daughter will be coming home on the weekend for a wedding.

3.    I’m annoyed with my disability pension company. My payment which usually comes in on the 27th still isn’t in. I had to wait over the long weekend to call them and they said it would be in tomorrow. I have bills to pay.

4.    Still no pay. Annoying. My mom is returning home after spending ten days in London with my aunt while we were away.

5.    Visiting the grandkids since my husband is still off. We went to the war plane museum and had a picnic lunch. The kids got to sit in a plane. I’ll post a picture. Our four year old granddaughter said she wants to be a pilot when she grows up and will take us wherever we want to go. Then we ordered in. Our other daughter arrived this evening by train. It’s way cheaper than renting a car and she’s double-vaxed.

6.    My disability finally came in ten days late. We had rainbow trout from up north and Greek salad, and Mexican street corn. I discovered it last week and can’t do just butter anymore. Olympic gold in men’s 200 metre race and women’s soccer.

7.    We had Pino sausages from Sault Ste. Marie. This time we were smart and bought five packages of six. They are unlike anything else; not greasy at all. My cousin married a Pino and the store belongs to them.

8.    Our daughter went to a friend’s wedding reception yesterday and is returning home tonight. COVID week 72.

9.    Writing day. Our dishwasher broke just before we went up north. When we returned, we called in a company without checking up on them. They scammed us for $300. When we called back to say it was still broken, they said we’d have to pay $900 for parts. I don’t think so. Then we checked reviews on yelp and BBB and found they are not to be trusted. Don’t use the A team appliance repair. I wrote some reviews and also posted on our neighbourhood facebook page. So we bought a new one instead. The other lasted eight years.

10. Pain clinic and delivery of our new dishwasher.

11. Since no diet has worked for me with significant results, I’m going to try one that is working for a woman at church. It’s called Eat Like a Bear. It’s basically one meal per day; a ridiculously large salad with protein, and then intermittent fasting. I can’t eat that much in one sitting; it’s supposed to be done in an hour. I will divide it in two and eat over a five hour window, of lunch and supper (12-5), then fast for 19 hours. I hope I can do it. I did 12 hours before the first meal. Starting today. I weigh 174.4 lb. At my heaviest I was 186. My goal is to lose 50 pounds, or to get to 125 lb ideally. Let’s roll!

12. I lost 1.6 pounds overnight. They say most lose five pounds in the first three days. Two days to go.

13. I lost 2.6 pounds in two days. It was surprisingly easy to fast considering how full you feel.

14. We had a fundraiser at church for missions. We have people at our church who work for LEGO and the Raptors, so we have good items at the silent auction.

15. We went for a picnic lunch at a local conservation area. Our daughter from Ottawa is coming for one night. She had a friend’s bachelorette weekend. COVID week 73.

16. Our daughter did a painting. I’ll post a picture. I was quite impressed with it. She let us keep it.

17. The grandkids came for two nights.

18. Went to a local farm with the kids. They loved feeding the animals.

19. The kids went home after we went to Rotary Park for a picnic, playground, and water park, then out for ice cream.

20. I’m doing intermittent fasting and it’s actually not hard. I’ve never fasted before except for a 30 hour famine fundraiser years ago, which was soooo hard. My husband has another two weeks off.

21. Drove up to Muskoka to visit and celebrate my brother-in-law’s 55th birthday.

22. COVID week 74.

23. Driving to Ottawa for two nights to see our daughter. Went out for dinner at a local restaurant.

24. Went on a touristy cruise of the Ottawa River then to the Chateau Laurier for lunch. Walked over 8 km; so tired. Then out for dinner at a steak and seafood place.

25. Drive home. Stopped at the Big Apple.

26. Groceries. Laundry.

27. Beach day.

28. We’re going to take the grandkids for two nights tomorrow, since my husband is still on vacation and my daughter needs a break. He has been telling them pirate stories so we bought a little box that looks like a treasure chest and filled it with coin shaped chocolates in silver and gold foil. My husband will bury it in our yard. He also made some treasure maps with clues, which we’ll put in a bottle and leave in the yard.

29. COVID week 75. The kids arrived today.

30. Treasure hunt and water park. I’ll post pictures. My grandson said it was the best day of his life.

31. Brought the kids back home.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Cottage life


July Journaling

1.    Canada Day! Not too proud to be a Canadian these days, with the recent discovery of over 1,000 bodies of indigenous children buried at residential schools among other things like the passage of a law restricting freedom to counsel. We bbq’d but are really feeling the side effects from our vaccination. Sore, heavy arm and lethargy.

2.    It’s been eight years since we had to put our dog, Kody down. Still miss him.

3.    My mom is mostly moved in and getting used to using the stair lift.

4.    COVID week 68. No evening services till September.

5.    Our youngest daughter got her second shot today. Our other daughter and her husband got theirs a day before we did.

6.    School prep for the last time for my middle grandchild.

7.    Final day of pre-school with Mimi for Robin. I wrote a report card too. I loved doing it but it’s a lot of work. Now I have two years ‘off’ until the newest one is ready for nursery school.

8.    Calm before the storm. The two older grandkids are coming to sleep over for two nights. Trip to Costco.

9.    Greek food for dinner.

10. Busy day with the kids; we’re too old and sick for this, but love having them over.

11. Church online since the grandkids are here, then lunch and driving the kids back home to Hamilton. Then watched the Euro Cup soccer final. Italy defeated England. Boo.

12. Dentist.

13. Aah, grooming, how I missed you. Got my eyebrows done, my haircut, and a mani-pedi. I feel like a human being again.

14. Chiro and massage. We had a virtual prayer meeting with one of our missionaries from Zambia. Oh, technology!

15. Step Three in Ontario, so indoor dining is on again! Going out of course.

16. Always nice when I hear of someone who read and enjoyed my book. It’s been out for two years now.

17. Got an idea for a new novel, but need to do a LOT of research first. Mayybe I’ll plan to do the first draft in November during NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing month. I did it two years ago for my Joseph story, which will probably just sit ‘in a drawer’ for a while, since one of my favourite authors in this same genre just released a book on the exact same characters. I’m afraid to read hers because I don’t want to be influenced when I’m doing my editing. I know mine is different, and I had already started it when she announced it as her next project, so I know mine is ‘original’ in that sense. But too bad, I really like it and would have liked to send it out there. Oh well.

18. Covid week 69. We had three baptisms today, so nice to hear the testimonies.

19. Our newest granddaughter is signing ‘more’, can clap, wave, blow kisses, and play peek-a-boo. She also does a lot of baby talk and can say about ten words.

20. Packing for our trip up north next week.

21. Zoom meeting with one of our missionaries in Zambia. At first people weren’t concerned about COVID since they thought of it as a rich person’s disease. Only rich people could travel, so they were the only people infected. Then it spread to others, no vaccines, and no supplies in hospital, so then the fear took hold. Our friend had some staff and students at the seminary and Bible college die.

22. Last minute cooking of sauces and dressings and soups so it’s easier there.

23. So much to pack.

24. Long drive up north to a cottage for seven nights with the grandkids and our daughter and son-in-law again, like last year. During Covid this is the only option for travel. Likely the last one since next year the Americans will stay there again. Although it still took nine hours because we had to stop frequently because of the kids, it seemed faster than last year, maybe because we left earlier, so we arrived earlier. The kids are so excited.

25. My cousin and her husband came to visit us and spend the day. They both have cancer, hers is more advanced but responding well. They are both unsaved. Also saw two guys who were friends forty years ago. Man, we’re old. Covid week 70 but no church this week.

26. It’s our 35th wedding anniversary! Visiting friends at the camp/cottage that used to belong to my aunt and uncle. I spent a lot of time there when I was young. It’s the only place I can still go to where my dad has also been.

27. My husband went fishing to a remote lake with a friend who has a float plane. I’m doing some crafts with the kids. He came home with ten fish.

28. Visiting my dad’s gravesite and then spending the day at my cousin’s house on a lake. My son-in-law kindly touched up his name on the tombstone. I’ll post a picture. We didn’t have time to do the dates; maybe next time. My daughter wanted to go water skiing. There were three generations there: cousins, second cousins, and third cousins. Should have taken a picture.

29. Last day at the cottage. Lots of fishing and campfire and packing.

30. Travel day.

31. So. Much. Laundry.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Stair lift for mom

June Journaling

1.    Pain clinic for back injections.

2.    My husband’s cousin sent a family tree record of his mom’s side of the family going back four generations.

3.    This is the 23rd anniversary of my husband’s cancer surgery and his cancer has never recurred; thank God!

4.    It’s Friday so we ordered in; my husband got his usual Pho Vietnamese soup, I got Greek chicken souvlaki and Greek salad.

5.    We are having jerk chicken today.

6.    Covid week 64.

7.    We have an online appointment to renew our life insurance but I wouldn’t be surprised if they cancelled it because my husband has had cancer (23 years ago) and I have chronic illnesses. I find they’ll say I’m too sick to be insured and not sick enough for benefits. We had a company come in and give us a quote for a stair lift since my mom is moving back in with us at the end of the month.

8.    I had an appointment with my hormone doctor. Going to try a detox and booked an appointment with a dietician. Why does nothing work for me?

9.    School day brought to you by the letter Hh, the number 11, hieroglyphics, the story of Hannah, Heaven, Hopeful Homer. My daughter cut my bangs. At one point we walked past my mom with my bangs combed forward so she asked my daughter, “What’s the name of your horse?”

10. Penultimate Bible study before summer break.

11. The patios are open today, so we went out to an Italian restaurant patio.

12. Happy to hear our grandkids will be going to Christian school afterall.

13. Covid week 65; back to in-person worship again. Yay!

14. Chiro and massage, and a home appointment for insurance for bloodwork and a medical history.

15. A good day of writing.

16. Dental appointment to replace a filling.

17. Summary of the book of Job. Now a three month break. It’s my husband’s 58th birthday. Celebrating tomorrow when the grandkids come over.

18. Dietician consult. The grandkids are coming over for one night.

19. Exhausting morning with the grandkids, making crafts for father’s day tomorrow, long nap once they left.

20. It’s been two years since my book launch. Covid week 66. Father’s Day!

21.  First day of summer!

22. Prepping for school tomorrow.

23. School day brought to you by the letter Ii, the number 12, the colour indigo, the shape cone, making ice cream, learning about the 12 disciples and the 12 months of the year. Virtual field trips of an ice cream parlour and learning about the Inuit, inukshuks, and igloos. Making an igloo out of mini marshmallows, and inukshuks on the flag of Nunavut.

24. Our daughter is coming home from Ottawa for the weekend.

25. Making sea bass and scallops for our daughter.

26. Had a difficult conversation with our daughter. Much prayer needed.

27. COVID week 67, in person at church.

28. My mom moved back in with us today.

29. Pain clinic for back injections.

30. Getting a stairlift installed for my mom’s apartment in the basement. I'll post a picture. Also getting our second COVID shot today, so we’ll be fully vaccinated when we go up north in a few weeks. It was done by my pain clinic doctor who also works with my family doctor.