Friday, November 30, 2018

Field Trip to Reptile Zoo

November Journaling

1.      School day; but we went on a field trip to a local reptile zoo. Not a fan personally, but I dealt with it for my grandson. He got to hold a gecko, a turtle, a snake, a guinea pig, and a ferret.

2.      Bloodwork this morning. Also last night my son-in-law took my author photo. I’ll post it. My mom’s here baking cookies. My husband’s gone on his yearly fishing trip for the weekend.

3.      More cookie baking.

4.      My husband’s fishing trip was a success, 8 men, 40 giant steelhead trout, 5 each.

5.      Getting my winter tires and a tune-up.

6.      Bible study.

7.      Eye appointment.

8.      School day; brought to you by the letter Jj, the number 18, the story of Jesus’ early life, and why we cry.

9.      Laundry, cooking, napping. Also got my first endorsement to go in my novel and it was very encouraging.

10.   Vacuumed upstairs, which I can only manage about once a month. My husband does the floors downstairs every week. A clean house has been a casualty of my illness.

11.   Potluck at church, hearing about the short term missions’ trip.

12.   Chiro and massage. I’ve never had a speeding ticket till today. But when I got home I noticed it was issued to someone else. I went to the police department to rectify it, and because of my honesty, they cancelled my ticket. So I’ve still never had a speeding ticket.

13.   Bible study. Hormone doctor appointment. Not really needed but it’s the only way she’ll refill my prescriptions.

14.   School prep day.

15.   School day; brought to you by the letter Kk, the number 19, insects, and the story of the Good Samaritan. Then staying overnight.

16.   Grandkids came over today. Ordered Thai food.

17.   Spa day to belatedly celebrate our daughter’s call to the bar. I’ve never had a facial before.

18.   We had an incident at church today, a woman with mental health issues interrupted the worship service and was swearing. The police were called. Two women had taken her to a coffee shop. Dinner party at a friend’s home.

19.   Homework day.

20.   Bible study and Christmas shopping.

21.   School prep day.

22.   School day; brought to you by the letter Ll, the number 20, the water cycle, and the story of the raising of Lazarus from the dead.

23.   Pain clinic for nerve block injections to my back. My doctor is going on mat leave for her third baby.

24.   Women’s ministry breakfast. Nice to just be a guest.

25.   Church today, no drama like last week.

26.   Home day.

27.   Final Bible study other than my summary of Zechariah next week, which is almost done. Costco run.

28.   Last day to finish my summary of Zechariah, since I’ll be out of town this weekend.

29.   Field trip and Christmas baking for school today.

30.   Heading to London tomorrow for our annual Finnish Christmas. The grandkids will love it.

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