Monday, May 6, 2019

The Big 5-5!

April Journaling

1.    April Fool’s Day, otherwise known as the Atheist’s only holiday, holiday being ironic, as it comes from holy day. Regardless, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Psalm 53:1a Also, today is a pain clinic day for my face. Ouch. Then school prep for tomorrow.

2.    School day, brought to you by the letter Yy, ordinal numbers, the Easter story, the urinary system, the colour yellow, the sight word you. We also went to McDonalds for lunch.

3.    Chiro and massage today.

4.    Bible study, and home day.

5.    Breakfast out with my daughter, who will be moving out in July, probably for good, to Ottawa. Rest, and then Spanish class.

6.    Up early again, Bible reading and Bible study, nap, baking for church tomorrow, then resting. Also made homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner.

7.    Church. I updated my medical information and counted I’d been to 33 doctors since I’ve been sick. Crazy.

8.    Doctor’s appointment to fill out forms for my pension accrual to continue until retirement. A little frustrating when my doctor recommends exercise to someone with ME. It’s like prescribing sugar to a diabetic.

9.    No school today, just shopping at IKEA and spending time with the grandkids.

10. Costco, then reviewing some promotional materials for the novel.

11. Bible study.

12. Spanish class, and packing for a short drive to Sault Ste. Marie with my daughter and mom.

13. Road trip.

14. Walking down memory lane in the town I grew up in.

15. Visiting relatives.

16. Return trip home. Nice not to have to drive. Stopped at the giant loonie outside the Soo. A person from Echo Bay designed it. I’ll post a picture.

17. I received the first copy of my novel. So exciting to hold it in my hands. As I looked through it, I thought, “I know these words.” Then I read it cover to cover and found about 50 typos which will need to be corrected before it goes to mass printing.

18. Opened a bank account for my novel proceeds.

19. Good Friday service with the Spanish and Mandarin churches who share our building. A foretaste of heaven. No Spanish class tonight. The youth served everyone breakfast.

20. My husband did our taxes; not good again. I hope this book does well as our debt load is climbing and we’re not comfortable with debt. Also went to dinner at my sister’s house; grandkids there too.

21. Resurrection Sunday. Christ is Risen! He is risen, indeed! Horrible news from Sri Lanka about church bombings killing over 200 people.

22. Heading to my daughter’s this evening, as she as an early appointment before I teach school tomorrow.

23. School day, brought to you by; the letter Zz, the number zero, the sight word zoo, the colour green, the shape oval, the Easter story, and why we dream.

24. The printing is ready to go ahead on my novel.

25. Bible study. I might be heading into a down turn. I have been dizzy, weak and nauseous, as well as headachy.

26. Kids came for the weekend. Spanish class tonight.

27. Women’s breakfast at church. My husband is going fishing. Our daughters are taking the grandkids to Legoland.

28. Church.

29. My daughter took me out for lunch at an Italian restaurant downtown called Terroni. I’ll post a picture. Delicious smoked salmon pizza.

30. It’s my 55th birthday today. In spite of my illnesses, I feel blessed. In Hamilton with the grandkids. We ordered Middle Eastern takeout.

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