Monday, March 14, 2011

Tsunami in Japan

March 14, 2011.

Outside my window...a sunny,bright day. I'm wearing a thinner jacket and running shoes, trying to hurry spring along. It was daylight savings time change this weekend, so even though I feel more groggy, it's nice to be going to work in the evening when the sun is still shining.
I am thinking...this past weekend there was an earthquake and tsunami in Japan. They also had a volcano erupt, and explosions at their nuclear power plant. So sad. Whole towns were swept away, even many inland who would have never expected a tsunami. These events show the sovereignty of God and the power of God. Life is short. Life is fragile.
I am thankful for...good news of friends. My friend, Cathy West has her first book coming out tomorrow, on Amazon. It's called Yesterday's Tomorrow and is set during the Vietnam war. Go out and buy it.
From the kitchen...cod, broccoli, and veggies and dip. My husband and I are serious about the diet I did last year that worked for me. Unfortunately, I gained it all back. Round Two.
I am wearing...jeans and a grey sweater.
I am reading...Sunset Beach by Trish Perry, and Within My Heart by Tamera Alexander.
I am get through these shifts this week. I honestly dread going to work these days, and you know I've always loved my job. I really hope these "temporary" changes will not become permanent.
I am hearing...conversations on the train. Some Anarchists are talking about Pride week. I don't agree with either one.
Around the house...we had our girls' night/Jane Austen marathon. It was hardly a marathon since we're too old to stay up late. We watched the BBC version of Sense and Sensibility, and then a modern movie called The Jane Austen Book Club, about a group of women who read all six books and discuss them. Their lives are supposed to parallel the stories, but they added in the usual gay storyline, which has nothing to do with any of her novels. It ruined a perfectly good movie for me. On Saturday, we quested downtown to find a vintage store. Cathy's book is set in the 1960's, so she needed to find a dress for her book launch party next week. It was a successful trip. We also enjoyed time with Kody, my daughter's friend's puppy. Makes me want one. I was in the nursery on Sunday and it was relatively painless. We had fellowship after the evening service because our Pastor and his wife are travelling to Texas for three weeks.
One of my favourite things...a fresh haircut, except he styled it so poofy, I look like a mushroom.
Some plans for the three nights. Get my hair highlighted on Friday morning, to hide my greys. Have my mother-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law over for dinner and a hot tub on Friday, work on and finish my message on Mary for the following week, and then my husband is preaching on Sunday morning. It's been a while since he's preached. Pedro Rodrigues is preaching in the evening.

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