Saturday, November 30, 2019

NaNoWriMo Winner!

November Journaling

1.    I’m attempting NaNoWriMo again. I have never been able to finish writing a novel in a month, but I have it outlined so it should make it easier.

2.    I’m sending off a few parcels of food up north. It’s fun to be the answer to someone’s prayer. We went to a 70th birthday party for a lady at church.

3.    Church, nap and long walk with my husband.

4.    Chiro and massage.

5.    Heading to St. Catherines overnight. We are staying in a hotel.

6.    My author interview was today. It went well. I’ll post pictures. It will air on December 3rd at 10:30 on Vision t.v. No school today, but we stopped in Hamilton to spend the day with the grandkids.

7.    Bible study, then walking in the mall because today was the first snowfall.

8.    Seasonal tire changeover.

9.    Drove to Peterborough to pick up some parts for our bathroom renovation, which is almost done. I’m almost at the halfway point of my next novel, doing NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month.

10. Church. Dropped off two Christmas boxes for Samaritan’s Purse.

11. Remembrance Day. Tire changeover for our other car.

12. Renovations done, just getting things back into the cupboards. Our daughter and grandkids are coming for one night.

13. Eye appointment. Out for lunch with the grandkids.

14. Women’s Bible study.

15. Went to see the movie, Midway.

16. We have an event at church with Answers in Genesis. Of course I had to buy books.

17. Church, nap, church.

18. Still keeping up with NaNo, at 30,000 words.

19. Home day, preparing for school tomorrow.

20. School day: brought to you by the letter Hh, the number 8, the shapes heart, and octagon, and learning about heaven, horses, hearts, hair, and hedgehogs.

21. Bible study, then writing.

22. Pain clinic for nerve block injections. Welcome to my life.

23. Our son-in-law and grandkids came overnight last night because our daughter went to Ottawa to go to a spa with our other daughter for her birthday.

24. Church.

25. I reached the 80% mark on my NaNoWriMo novel, 40,000 words. This may be the year it happens! So exciting. So I am spending the day writing, since my husband will be writing a paper this week, and will be on the computer.

26. Our eldest daughter is 29 today!

27. On the home stretch for Nano.

28. I did it! I wrote 50,343 words of the first draft of my second novel in 28 days! First time winning NaNoWriMo! Yay me!

29. Grandkids over for the night.

30. School at our place today, brought to you by the letter Ii, the number 9, Jacob and Esau, and making homemade ice cream. Dinner party at a friend’s place after a plumber came to fix a leak that may have been there for at least two weeks in our basement, where we never go.

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