Saturday, July 26, 2008

Submarine Ride

When we were on a Caribbean Cruise, on our stop in St. Thomas, I went on a two-hour submarine ride. My youngest daughter is claustrophobic, so my husband took the girls on an aerial car tour (not my cup of tea, since I'm afraid of heights).
Of course, my camera took that moment to break, so I have no pictures, but if you go to you can get an idea of what the sub looks like and the kinds of things you see.
I know that most people would be more interested in the fish and coral, because they are beautiful, but for me, the submarine was the attraction. Being able to see the underside of the surface of the water as we submerged, and resurfaced, with the varying degrees of light, was amazing. We descended to 80 feet.
The crew consisted of the Captain (sub-driver) and another sailor who was the tour guide. He said, "The first thing they taught us in sub-school was to close the hatches before we dive. If I have to open them again while we're down here, I'm not coming back. That thing about 'women and children first' only applies to surface vessels."
If I wouldn't have looked like a fool being by myself and grinning, I would have done it. I was so happy. But instead I just looked out the window and jumped for joy on the inside. If I had a 'bucket list' of things to do before I die, a submarine ride would be on it. Of course, if someone could arrange a tour in a nuclear submarine, I'd be forever grateful.

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