Sunday, July 24, 2011

In Europe!

July 19, 2011 (posted on July 24th)

Outside my window…I’m watching the Dutch countryside roll by, seeing windmills, canals, fields, and livestock .I still can’t believe we’re here.
I am thinking…we’re going to be exhausted when this is all over, but it’s a trip of a lifetime, celebrating our 25th anniversary.
I am thankful for….the opportunity for this trip.
From the kitchen…dinner on the canal cruise in Amsterdam.
I am wearing…black yoga pants, a red t-shirt and a black cardigan.
I am reading…Flames of Rome by Paul Maiier. I figured I should read about the Colesseum before I go to see it.
I am hoping…to get used to the time change and find a hotel with wifi so we can communicate with family and friends and upload our pictures.
I am hearing…the tour guide, Robert, tell us about the Netherlands.
Around the house…Kody is in doggie daycare and the girls are working. He will come home on weekends and they’ll look after him. I left detailed instructions for my daughter so everything should go smoothly.
One of my favourite things…meeting relatives for the first time and really enjoying their company.
Some plans for the week…see the sights of Europe and try to keep up with uploading my pics to facebook.

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