Monday, March 5, 2012


Outside my window... despite the sun, it’s frostbite weather. This morning when I walked the dog, I was wishing for a balaclava.
I am thinking...time goes too quickly. Not just in the big picture, but each day seems to fly by and I don’t feel like I get anything substantial accomplished.
I am be able to do at least one month of this workout for people who don’t work out. It’s targeting abs. It’s really pathetic how sore I am the next day, after just twelve pushups, twelve crunches and two twelve second side planks. At least I get aerobic exercise from walking the dog for at least 30 minutes a day during the week. My husband takes him out in the evening and to the dog park on weekends.
I am thankful for...good preaching. See the sermon notes below. I especially like when our Pastor preaches from narratives. He brings the story alive, and draws out so many lessons.
I am yoga pants, a navy hoodie.
From the kitchen...salmon, sweet potato fries, mushrooms.
I am hearing...silence. Some days I don’t like to have the t.v. on all the time.
I am reading...A Prisoner of Versailles by Golden Keyes Parsons, again. Since I read them out of order, now I want to read the second book again since I know the characters better.
Around the house...we had a nice dinner with our Pastor and his wife. Work was very busy this week, so I was happy to see Friday. Our new normal with a budget is working out well and we don’t feel deprived. We’ve not been good stewards of the money God has given us. We’ve been good with giving, but haven’t controlled our spending. We need to change our ways and be more self controlled and less covetous. We have to answer for these things one day.
One of my favourite things...hearing good news. A couple from our church is engaged.
Some plans for the three nights, visit a friend in the hospital on Friday, maybe go to see a NAVY SEAL movie on Saturday night, with my husband, and church on Sunday. I’m in the nursery in the morning and we’re having refreshments on Sunday night.

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